I did not see this published outside of India. But not sure why. It’s all based on Xitter.
So sad. :(
Clearly for Musks own sake the best solution is to launch him into the sun.
He’s doing it too himself, fuck off.
No one asked him to be a co-nazi. No one asked him to take over Twitter. No one asked him to play make-believe auto maker. No one is asking for his fucking biography. He’s acting like everyone is pulling him in all these different directions, and no one wants him.
He is the world’s richest fucking man. Fuck him. He could have the best doctors/therapy/drugs in the world, could travel the world and “find himself,” maybe even do something worth writing about. But he chooses to be a completely waste of human flesh that will be nothing but a smear in history. That’s his legacy. A shit smear on an already shit covered era. He’s not helping anyone, not even his own kids, he is willfully putting his effort into being the biggest piece of shit.
Fuck him. Fuck his depression, fuck his addiction, fuck his stress, and fuck him. He’s ruining my country and wants pity because it’s stressing him out.
I think it’s less about sympathy and more about understanding what lead him to this point.
You can analyze why a “normal” person did monstrous things without shedding a tear for them. One day someone will make “Zone of Interest” about billionaires living in their bunkers, cleaning air filters from human ash.
People show you who they really are when they can do anything they want. Elon is failing at it much worse than someone who sits on the couch and does weed all day.
Their vices all run the same direction: They do the things that are forbidden to we poors. They get off on the power of getting away with the taboo and illegal. The only time they’re held to account is if they fuck over one of their own. Epstein wasn’t brought down because he was a pedo, he was taken down because he was blackmailing the rich. Madoff stole from the rich.
Yeah. He could fuck off and never have to speak to another person or do anything he didn’t want to do if he wanted with just a tiny fraction of his wealth. He doesn’t have to be this way. He chose it. He’s like a child breaking things for attention.
He apparently gets really pressed from the online hate he recieves, so we can help push him further.
Oh no please don’t kill yourself live on X, that would own the liberals too hard
I’m an accelerationist, when it comes to this situation. Let’s get the super-villain phase over with and move on to final scene.
Just another drug-addicted Hitler.
The overwhelming majority of billionaires keep quiet and keep to themselves, doing everything they can to stay out of the limelight. Elon is someone who simply cannot shut up and will not stop attracting negative attention to himself.
I expect the problem is that, when you get that rich, people stop caring about you, they start caring about your money. A string of women who just smash a kid out for him then fuck off. Kids who don’t seem to want anything to do with him. Does he have anyone he actually considers a true friend? Probably not. He’s just surrounded by bootlickers and yes men, and deep down he knows it. He’s probably deeply lonely and paranoid.
Not that I care. He’s also a cunt.
“There’s no cure for being a cunt.” -Ser Bronn of the Blackwater
Yeah, but in order to get to such a position, you can’t be a normal person with normal boundaries and interpersonal relationships. He was just born Elon and he will die Elon.
If he wasn’t a cunt then maybe I’d care but he makes it so easy to enjoy his own suffering.
I said this long ago on Lemmy. I pity him. He has nothing of value.
If shit hit the fan I have many around me who love me and want me to succeed. I have 3 kids who rely on me and love me deeply. I have coworkers who love me. I have family who love me. I also love all these people back immensely.
What he has is stuff. Stuff leaves you cold and empty inside. He has no one who loves him. He’s probably a cold, cruel and heartless person when he’s alone and I bet he’s alone a lot. No one loves him for who he is.
Seriously he’s the richest man in the world and he’s so small. He deserves our pity nothing more.
I agree, except for the pity. I could no more pity him than I could a bloated parasite or leach feeding on my own children.
Yeah I get it. To many people they are past the pity phase. I struggled myself putting that. He is a broken man tearing the world down because deep down he is hurt. Hurt people hurt people.
Stuff leaves you cold and empty inside. He has no one who loves him.
This is very apparent when you look at his falling out with his daughter. She basically pointed all this out, and that he couldn’t just make up for being a shitty dad for years and years by one time “Look, I sold all my stuff!” type gestures.
But “stuff” is literally all he knows, and so when he was called out on it, it seems to have absolutely broken him and now he’s on this massive anti-trans crusade as a way of getting back at her.
Maybe if we can stress him out enough he’ll have a heart attack
Or a ketamine OD
imagine ruining people’s lives so you can have all the money, only for you to still be miserable. dont get me wrong im happy he is.
the parable of ‘money can’t buy you happiness’ plays out over and over in capitalist societies, yet no one ever learns their lesson from it.
psychedelic drugs taught me so many important lessons so long ago. i don’t know how these people (who claim to take the same drugs) never seem to ‘get it’.
They did a study and money can buy happiness but it caps out after the point it allows you chances to travel and take stress free time off. Being poor literally shortens people’s lives through misery.
So what we have is a man whom money will make as happy as he will ever get and remains miserable plunging people into a deficit of security through his actions. He’s infectiously miserable and someone needs to quarantine him.
Don’t forget this guy bragged a few years back about not sleeping or sleeping in his office. Let’s not discount how years of sleep deprivation has probably influenced his chaotic behavior.
I don’t buy that shit for a second. He can’t tell the truth if he wanted to. Back when he made these claims, overwatch just launched and he spend all day on twitter telling people he works 20 hours a day, plays a lot of overwatch, binges 6 different animes, and spends a lot of time with his family.
spends a lot of time with his family.
Well, the rest of them are probably true, but we know this definitely isn’t the case.
It’s prolly the drugs keeping him awake
Even on LSD you have to eventually stop playing Overwatch.
I know the perfect cure: a vacation to Mars on a Starship. It would remove any depression and drug addiction.