Warmongering senator Tom Cotton made an interesting comment during the confirmation hearings for Tulsi Gabbard the other day which acknowledged the mostly unspoken truth that the US government cares less about whether the nations it partners with are free and democratic than how well they serve US interests.
“In a fallen world, we have to take our friends where we find them,” Cotton said. “No question, stable democracies make the most stable friends, but what matters in the end is less whether a country is democratic or non-democratic, and more whether the country is pro-American or anti-American.”
“I’ll confess that those views may be somewhat unconventional, but look at where conventional thinking has got us,” Cotton added. Far from being unconventional, the senator from Arkansas is simply stating out loud the standard foreign policy orthodoxy which all Beltway swamp monsters share but tend to keep between themselves.
Trump has continued to push for Jordan and Egypt to take in Palestinians in facilitation of the ethnic cleansing of Gaza, and is adamant that both nations will eventually accede to his demands. The president told the press on Thursday that despite Jordan and Egypt’s rejection of Trump’s plans, “They will do it. They will do it. They’re gonna do it, okay? We do a lot for them, and they’re gonna do it.”
Biden destroying Gaza and then Trump working to ethnically cleanse it is such a classic case of the jab-cross combo that Democrats and Republicans employ to advance the agendas of the empire. They don’t just do evil things, they set up the other party to inflict new evils.
For anyone fortunate enough to have not grown up in an extremist christian household:
“In a fallen world” is an explicit reference to the way extremist American christians refer to the inherently evil nature of a dog eat dog world, where all the unfaithful have gone astray in their sin, a world that is ruled by Satan and demons.
Its not even a dog whistle if you have any experience with this kind of language.
Its screaming into a megaphone that the world is full of evil demons.
That is apoarently the US approach to foreign policy now: Demonize everyone that isn’t the US.
I see a dog eat dog world and think, “Can we be a better example to follow?” These folks see a dog eat dog world, and think, “How terrible. We’d better start chewing.”
I suppose in my path to agnosticism I picked up the wrong lessons from the church my mom took me too.
Nah, you picked up the lessons that were written between the lines, as I did too. It just means you’re not dogmatic, intellectually stunted, or vacuously incurious.
And yeah - I am shitting on the religiouses, because they have had a HUGE fucking part in getting the situation where it is today.
GOP is so much more honest under and since Trump. Masks off. Blatantly evil.
They know nobody will hold them accountable. It’s been proven ad nauseam
I fail to think of a time the U.S ever cared about spreading democracy.
Let’s see uh… hmm no… no not that one either… fuck there’s gotta be one time right?
Uh supporting the Chinese against Japan in WW2? Maybe?
Not really spreading as much aiding the defense of imo.
Liberation of France and Italy in WW2. Does the revolutionary war count?
It’s pretty difficult to spread democracy when your own country has never been truly democratic in the first place.
Tim Cotton admits that the sky is blue and one plus one is two
I feel like as soon in the past as the late 80s this is an entirely uncontroversial statement and should there be somebody to look back on it in a 100 years, the period of roughly 1990 to 2020 where the US pretended to care about democracy is gonna be the weird blip
He’s one head I’d love to see on a stick.
It never did lmao, unfortunately he is damn right
Why should it? Suggesting the US should be white saviors is racist at worst, ethnocentric at best