He said he doesn’t want to be taken alive. As far as I am concerned he doesn’t have to be.
Oh sure, whenever I get arrested I always refuse to be fingerprinted.
See, that’s how they get ya.
What he wants is no longer relevant
Feisty lil fella. Get to fuck
He said he doesn’t want to be taken alive.
“Okay then we won’t.”
According to Wikipedia the Philippine National Police has over 70,000 glocks in service.
You know the old saying: “glock glock.”
I read part of a very boring Western novel (that was written in the 1950s) as a teenager. I never finished it since I kinda found it highly unappealing (I only bought it because I wanted something to read on a flight… it was the 90s. No cell phones!). But there was ONE quote in it that never left my mind:
“Pistols are for storybooks and fools. When you want to go fighting, you get your rifle.” Basically what I am saying is that if you KNOW you’re going to need a gun, grab your shotgun or rifle and let your pistol be a secondary.