Your local bi(polar) schizo fluffernutter.

Previous profile under the same name over at

  • 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 30th, 2023


  • I’ve definitely heard “invasive” used to describe people quite often. It’s not usually the first word people will pick, but it’s not uncommon.
    But on a related note, what’s up with Lemmy (and previously Reddit) insisting that just because they didn’t get a joke means it’s not funny/poorly written? You’re allowed to just not understand jokes sometimes. You can’t explain away why something is objectively not funny any more than you can objectively explain why a joke is funny.

  • I think you’re a little confused about what it is they were asking. They weren’t asking if wanting to not have sex was a fetish thing, they were asking if seeking out partners specifically who have never had sex is a fetish thing.
    It’s not the same thing as wanting to date an asexual, because not all asexuals are virgins (often due to experimentation and discovering “yup, I don’t like this.”) The reason so many people want to date virgins specifically is because they have this weird idea that taking somebody’s virginity is a sacred thing. Or sometimes it’s just due to insecurity, not wanting to have other past partners to be compared to.
    Wanting to date a virgin isn’t wanting to date somebody and not have sex with them, it’s wanting to date somebody who’s never had sex before. Whether they will have sex or not during the course of that relationship is technically irrelevant, but most people seeking out virgins specifically unfortunately are expecting it.

  • The most cathartic moment of my entire life was when I encountered that exact thing in a thread from over a decade ago expecting that to be it and lost all hope, only to find somebody replied calling them out and telling them to share their solution or future googlers were gonna be very upset. They posted their solution and it did, indeed, work.
    Don’t even remember what the issue was, but the wave of relief was amazing enough that I still remember the feeling to this day.

  • Sombyr@lemmy.ziptoComic Strips@lemmy.worldXXX
    6 months ago

    As a trans woman, it felt like a culture shock to go from being able to talk to guys about my interests without being constantly questioned pretransition, to now being quizzed and told I’m doing things wrong every time I mention a hobby of mine to 90% of guys, even well intentioned ones. They don’t even realize they’re doing it most of the time.

  • Sombyr@lemmy.ziptoComic Strips@lemmy.worldXXX
    6 months ago

    I listen to metal to fall asleep. Weird as it may sound, listening to something that’s higher energy than me is straight up exhausting to the point that it saps all my remaining energy and I just conk right out.
    I especially like Japanese metal for it, because not being able to understand the words means I don’t get focused on the meaning of the song and stay up thinking about it.

  • Sombyr@lemmy.ziptoComic Strips@lemmy.worldXXX
    7 months ago

    As a member of gen Z, you likely don’t notice it because you’re not part of the generation being made fun of. It’s a pretty constant issue and it didn’t magically stop with millennials. It’s to the point where many older members of gen Z insist they’re actually millennials in an attempt to gain bownie points with the older generations by not being part of the generation they hate (which never works BTW.)

  • Trans, wasn’t ready to use my new name IRL, or come out to anybody, so I took the word “Somber” and shoved a Y in it because it makes it really similar to my chosen name, so I could feel like I was being called my preferred name every time somebody said it.

    Now that I’m this far into my transition it’s nothing but a relic, but I like the username anyway.