You want an exoskeleton. No need to replace your arm, just wear something that augments it, and the rest of your body.
There are some great ones in sci fi, but google ot and see the ones available in real life
So, I gotta ask, are you redantman in disguise? Because he had a habit of asking questions that looked silly and simple on the surface, but weren’t.
So, the first big barrier is that we don’t have the tech to make an arm that can exceed human levels of strength without damaging something. It also hasn’t developed to where the really strong options can fit into an arm sized package yet. Hydraulics can do crazy stuff, but you can’t pack it into an arm and get super strength.
The second barrier to having a limb that’s super strong is that it’ll rip itself off, or you’ll be limited to the strength of the rest of your body.
So, if you aren’t familiar, go look up “hang clean” on your favorite video site.
It’s a power lifting move, and it was my specialty, though I dabbled in the clean and clean and jerk some. Weightlifting terminology is weird lol
Point being, your max lift on a clean is not limited by your arms as much as you might think, even though you’d think that your grip strength is a hard limit. If you had a powerarm™ and did a clean, you’d still be limited my what your legs can do, right? That’s where you really explode from. Yeah, if your arms and hands are too weak, you can’t finish the lift, but having jacked arms ain’t gonna get the bar up
But it doesn’t stop there, where it’s obvious that the lower body is the limit.
Curls. Even single arm curls, you’re still using the rest of your body. The shoulder is engaged, the trap, pec and even lat on that side engage you stabilize and contribute to the lift.
And, that continues in a chain all the way down to wherever body is in contact with the ground. Weight machines can shorten the path, but only by putting you in contact with the ground via the machine.
You get CYBERPUMP ™ installed, and you’re still limited by whatever the bones and muscles it’s connected to can support. If you get too far over that, you could just end up with the
So you don’t want a super powered arm. You want a prosthetic that matches your overall strength levels. If you want enhanced strength, it would need to be all over, via an exo-suit, or something similar.
Now, the reason that your bro can’t get top end prosthetics that at least match as close as possible to a “natural” arm is that we live in a capitalist dystopia where we prioritize the profits of the few over actual benefit to the many. Not that an amputee would automatically get bleeding edge tech in an non capitalist world either, they’d end up on a waiting list until the very resource intensive high tech stuff was available, but still
Because when you lift something, you’re not just using your arm, you’re using your whole body. Having an arm that could carry heavy weights would put large amounts of stress on the rest of your body as well, which would not be able to handle it. More importantly, the transition between prosthetic and flesh would be exposed to high stresses and current prosthetics technology is not able to handle those.
That’s what I was thinking. You might have an arm that can carry 400lbs but man, that would screw up your shoulder and back.
I guess the only solution is to become a full borg. That way, everyone titanium bone would be rated to handle superhuman stress and you could cary much more.
While we’re swapping out limbs, wheels would be a lot more efficient at moving loads around too.
Technology isn’t there yet. Try again in 20 years.
deus ex intensifies
LMFAO that was exactly what he was playing when he asked me. He had to legs blown off in Afghan.
While you wait, I suggest reading the book called Machine Man by Max Barry which is a fictional story about a person doing just that.
Check out Ian Davis’ prosthetic hand.
In at least one of his videos, he demonstrates a ‘lock under load’ feature that enables him to lift fairly heavy objects.
I don’t think you’d get any magic superhuman powers, but it’s pretty badass regardless.
Love Ian Davis man, such a cool channel.
This. This is a stupid question.