Grandad thinks it’s WWII again and stole a Spitfire!
Grandad thinks it’s WWII again and stole a Spitfire!
Oh, now it’s just a theory that it was a distraction. You did not make that clear. In fact, you stated it as if it were fact many times.
Also, my “theory” is that they are being very racist. Which I have stated multiple times. Are you saying I’m wrong and they’re not being racist?
Okay, you’re trolling. Time for you to take a break.
The thread was about Gaza in relation to the election. See the “Kamala Harris” part.
And the fact is that the winner in November will either be a Democrat or a Republican. Voting for anyone else is absolutely useless. You might as well not vote.
I plan to vote, and not for the guy who has a good chance of putting my queer daughter in a concentration camp.
What a bullshit cop-out. I have asked you multiple times what the next step is and you’re now claiming I’m not interested?
That’s two lies you’ve told about me now. That is coming close to trolling.
Expressing support for Biden and Harris equals Democrat. You’ve heard it here first, folks!
Pictured- Democrat:
And I’m specifically saying their positions on Gaza are not really relevant to the election since they’re both on Israel’s side. You don’t seem to agree, so explain to me which one has the position I should favor on the matter.
In the context of:
How do we know these were actual terrorists and not just random people that bought a pager?
Yes, it matters. Because it suggests it wasn’t a random person that bought a pager.
In the context of the morality of the situation, no, it doesn’t matter. It was not a moral act.
You failed to convince me by not telling me what the next step would be.
Lots of large-scale solidarity movements in history have been built and failed. Sometimes disastrously so. You do not have the step after that, which is essential.
My point about January 6th is that it was a large-scale solidarity movement that tried to effect major change in terms of how presidents become presidents and failed. You seem to think everyone getting together and singing kumbaya would achieve for the left what they were unable to do when they actively tried.
You didn’t let me down, because I knew you didn’t actually have an answer about how to actually achieve anything.
If “solidarity” and “awareness” were all it took to solve problems, climate change wouldn’t be getting worse.
You know what awareness and solidarity already resulted in? January 6th. You know what was a failure? January 6th.
How about when it comes to literally every other thing in this election? Like persecution of queer people or deportation of migrants or just whether or not someone is going to be a dictator?
Literally none of that matters? Fuck it? Let the queer people and Latinos get marched into camps because there’s no difference between them on Israel?
Immediately after you told that so-called fortune:
So why are you now lying and claiming I didn’t admit there’s a problem? It’s a pretty silly lie.
Nothing I do will have any effect on what the corporate-run media reports on and it’s naive to think any of us who aren’t corporate executives or their political cronies have that power.
That’s a long-winded way of saying you don’t actually have an answer for how to, as you put it, “refuse to allow unnecessary amputations to continue.” You could have saved yourself a lot of time.
Is that who they named, or is this who they named?
Okay, well that’s not going to happen. So the choice is going to be Trump or Harris and to suggest that we can’t know where Trump stands on Israel compared to Harris is either dishonest or highly ignorant.
The fact is that both of them are on the wrong side of this genocide, so they have to be chosen by other criteria. “Just don’t vote for either of them” is not an answer. That’s also not going to happen for most voters.
Not unless you know what she’s advised him of, no. Or are you under the impression that he has to do what people who advise him say?
Sure, there’s a problem. Now please answer my question.
Harris is not in power either. She does not set or implement policy. You do know what the powers of the Vice President are, yes?
Was he on an electric boat at the time? Because if so, now we know the answer.