At first I thought you were making a three fifths compromise joke.
At first I thought you were making a three fifths compromise joke.
I agree. As long as I can get the same items in-game relatively easily, then I’m fine with someone else spending money to make their game more enjoyable. I have more than enough wake stones and port crystals or whatever to make my game enjoyable without having to grind to get them, so I don’t care if someone else skips the minor steps I put in for them.
Seriously fuck this guy. He barely holds on against fierce competition from the far right, and his reaction is to install a not-as-far right PM?
The same team made Dangerous Driving and Danger Zone 1&2. The first is like the race mode of B3, and the second is like the crash simulator mode. Unfortunately, they are separate games, and neither are as polished nor do they have the good sound track.
The moderators let Trump speak for nearly 43 minutes, while only allowing Harris to speak for 37 minutes. It’s almost like they were 15% more biased for Trump.
Except we all know that letting Trump talk is the best way to make Trump lose, so maybe they WERE sabotaging him. /s
You are making my point for me. When did he send that tweet? Was it before or after he went from a nobody to a somebody?
The biggest difference between things you say are identical is that when Trump said something, people actually listened. The only reason this guy is no longer a nobody is because people didn’t listen when he talked. He had to do it himself, because nobody was listening to a nobody.
But yeah, congrats on recognizing his current status now. It’s super relevant to the point at hand.
Trump is directing an audience of his supporters to fight, while this is a nobody tweeting at an entire country letting them know they are free to assassinate him. I actually do see a difference.
Burnout 3: Takedown was my favorite. I had so much fun playing that game both solo and with my friends online. Burnout: Paradise never captured the same feeling for me, though.
So the judge’s reasoning is that the motive isn’t provable, even though there is evidence for the motive? Motive isn’t necessary for conviction, just an additional point in the prosecution. This is wild.
The schools I went to as a kid in the early 80s had paved playgrounds. Skinned knees were just a daily thing.
Man I’d love to see videos of that wave.
Not low enough.
It’s difficult for you to follow that 5 is higher than 4 and that Pro is better than non-Pro? Seriously?
I honestly don’t remember what my setting is. I probably set it for graphics since I only play single player games now, but who knows what I was thinking when I set that 4 years ago and never thought about it again.
Yeah, it’s a rough one to watch today.
This may or may not be a real screenshot, but it definitely feels accurate based on my time in the game.
Yes, people would actually starve themselves to play WoW. They will pee in diapers to not stop playing WoW. Definitely not as much now, but 15 years ago some people were seriously addicted to it.
So you think it is ok to answer a disrespectful rolling up of a window with physical violence?
I’d hate to be in any way related to you.
No, the person is saying the cops should have been smarter. They didn’t say, “the cops SHOULD HAVE done X.” They said, “it’s crazy that the cops DID do X.”
Maybe, and I’m just spitballing here, but maybe for a simple speeding offense they didn’t need to drag him out of the car? Just because they are allowed to based on past court cases doesn’t mean they should use that for every issue they see.
I want one because I really like swimming in pretty places, being really comfortable lounging in the sun and sleeping at night, and also going to new places all the time. I can only pick two of the three at any time without a yacht. I don’t need a mega-yacht for that, just a nice 60 footer.
For billionaires, though, it’s so they can avoid laws while doing bad shit.