Hi guys!
I’m trying to create a WebDAV server that shares a NFS mount from my NAS. In short, I’m trying to create/share a backup folder in my NAS so my Graphene phone can run the backup.
How can I do this? All the guides mention about sharing /var/www/webdav and chrooting it. How can I share my own folder? Does it need to be /var/www/webdav? Can I share something else instead? Should I just link my NAS mount to /var/www/webdav?
It’s fairly simple with Caddy. https://marko.euptera.com/posts/caddy-webdav.html
Cam be anything you want, just have to install nginx and configure it: https://medium.com/learn-or-die/build-a-webdav-server-with-nginx-8660a7a7311
Thanks! But…where is the folder specified there? I can only see the temp client body path, but I’m not sure that’s where files will be uploaded.
It can be anything you want.
How you change it depends on the specific server you’re using, I use SFTPGo for a webdav server and when I create a new user it just asks where the data should go.