We’re dealing with some stormy weather here (Vancouver for me, but it covers a wider area) and so a patchwork of homes across the region are having power outages. Crews are working to restore it

So on that note, what do you like to do?

  • ways to prepare, what to buy, a favourite flashlight from [email protected]?
  • how you pass the time
  • any stories that come to mind?
  • weariedfae@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Hahaha you should see the outage map of Washington State.

    What do I like to do? Nothing, I hate power outages.

    What I typically do is I have a large stockpile of candles from an old MLM scheme. I light those and play on my phone if there’s Internet. We have multiple battery banks for these occasions.

    If there’s no Internet I will read. Both ebooks and regular books because my attention will shift.

    I also try to do something productive like study for something.

    Most of all I pile like eleventy billion blankets on the bed because I’m so cold. The furry ones are poor space heaters.

    When I was a kid we always played games. Like charades or something. My dad would light the camp stove and we’d entertain ourselves for the evening as a family. They were nice.

    • BruceTwarzen@lemm.ee
      4 months ago

      I think my last power outage was 30 years ago and i loved it. Lighting candles and playing boardgames. I never even considered that that’s a thing that still happens.