Maybe include altitude in both metres and feet, otherwise 80% of comments will be about that whole discussion.

    1 year ago

    Highest elevation so far Mt Whitney (14,505’, 4,421 m). Pretty uneventful climb since it was the end of over two weeks on the John Muir Trail. The previous 5 days was almost entirely avoid 10,000 ft. We slept on the shoulder of the mountain and sauntered up in the morning in about an hour.

    Highest climb from the bottom to top was maybe Mt Williamson (14,379’, 4383 m). Trailhead is about 6300 ft, so at least 8,000 ft of climbing (2440 m). It was very difficult, climbed over 2 days. Not much time to adapt to the altitude. The hardest part was the realization that the top is exactly half way. I just wanted to paraglide down or get a helicopter ride. Some very difficult rocky terrain.

    Honorable mention is Mauna Kea (4207 m). I had a magical elixir of coffee and Maca (REBBL Chocolate flavor), and powered to the top without altitude sickness. I haven’t tried it since, but I will try Maca again next time I’m going up in elevation above 10k ft.