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My social media environment (mostly Lemmy for the last year, after I left Reddit) is very leftist. I’m finding myself floating more and more left because y’all have a point and there’s not many counter-arguments in this social media environment. I sometimes wonder if that’s how MAGA folks feel–floating more and more right because that’s what they’re surrounded by.

Of course, my floating is (naturally /s) based on reason and leftists making good memes/arguments.

Anyways, that’s this morning’s introspection.

Side showerthought: my convictions are based on memes. Anyone have nice, accessible resources for giving those convictions a more solid base? I’d love something like a graphic history of leftist thought (similar to Queer: A Graphic History). Something approachable but with citations. Thanks :)

    2 months ago

    It’s pretty much the same thing yeah: you find something you’re somewhat interested in, and then The Algorithm will shove increasingly aggressive content at you and hey presto, you’ve fallen down the rage-bait circlejerk hole for whatever side you were already somewhat aligned with.

    I’m old enough to remember when you could have friends with different political opinions and it never went past ‘oh, cool, well i don’t agree but whatever’. That’s 100% not a thing anymore, because everyone on both sides of any issue have been completely radicalized.

    The right are Nazis, and the left are raping children, and that’s where the discussion starts now, and thus you have… the mess we have now.

    I don’t know what the solution is, other than literal deprogramming, since that’s almost exactly how a cult works: the cult leader affirms what you already think, tells you that you’re special, and then makes sure no voices of dissent are heard.

    You know, like social media’s algorithms do in the name of “engagement”.