The rail strike was bad, but then Biden turned around and got the rail workers almost everything they had been asking for.
As to Foreign Policy, what specifically was bad? The pull-out from Afghanistan? It’s hard to stick the landing when the guy before released 5k enemy fighters while reducing the US military presence to less than a skeleton crew.
But other than that, the US was mostly respected by the world under Biden. We had some bad trade deals from Trump, but were working on fixing things.
As to splitting the Democratic party, that’s a great way to never win elections again. Because you cannot have three viable parties under First Past the Post voting. It’s literally impossible.
The rail strike was bad, but then Biden turned around and got the rail workers almost everything they had been asking for.
As to Foreign Policy, what specifically was bad? The pull-out from Afghanistan? It’s hard to stick the landing when the guy before released 5k enemy fighters while reducing the US military presence to less than a skeleton crew.
But other than that, the US was mostly respected by the world under Biden. We had some bad trade deals from Trump, but were working on fixing things.
As to splitting the Democratic party, that’s a great way to never win elections again. Because you cannot have three viable parties under First Past the Post voting. It’s literally impossible.