• exploitedamerican@lemm.ee
    6 days ago

    Lmao. Thats the dumbest nonsense i have ever heard. Did you even read the DNC leaks or did you just ignore them because the neoliberal wall street puppets who’s lies you believe convinced you it was russian propaganda? 🤣 sanders consistently sold out massive arenas and is now campaigning against this fascist garbage administration and drawinng massive crowds in predominantly red maga loving counties.

    In the iowa caucus sanders supporters outnumbered Clinton supporters 2 to 1 but the delegates were stolen and handed to clinton. In 2020 sanders was winning race after race then suddenly all the other candidates besides biden dropped out and all of a sudden the lame brained neo liberal Alzheimers patient Reaganite drug war supporter suddenly was winning.

    I bet you believe the (un)democratic party is a left wing party when by the standards of the rest of the developed world they are a right leaning political party? There is no left party in the usa and both the dnc and rnc are funded by the same wall street military and prison industry profiteers.

    The usa has exhibited 13 of 14 defining characteristics of fascism in both parties since before the reagan years. The only one of those 14 traits that those in power can claim plausible deniability in regards to is fraudulent elections. But it is illogical and dumb to believe that those in power who have allowed money corruption and cronyism to influence every other aspect of our political system would stop short at 93.93% of the way. In Germany their highest court has deemed electronic voting unconstitutional since it is impossible to differentiate between fraudulent results and legitimate ones for anyone who isnt a cyber security/ IT expert. But go ahead and naively believe in the sanctity of democracy and the ideals of “murican freedom and idealism in a nation where we spend more on imperialist warfare for profit and perpetuating a militarized police state on a racist war on drugs than we do ensuring the well being of the most vulnerable and marginalized citizens in our society.

    Sanders was the strong candidate but the dnc lied and colluded with the corporate legacy news outlets owned by their donors to manipulate and manufacture the consent of the people and fed hs the lie that he would never win when he was the only candidate that could have defeated trump in a fair election. But since kennedy’s assassination the system has been organized to prevent any candidate from gaining power who would resemble FDR in any way whatsoever and do anything to undo the 5+ decades of awful conservative and neo liberal policies that have fleeced the working class and poor and turned the majority of Americans into low paid wage slaves conditioned to never critically examine their place in life and just keep on working for peanuts while rents continue to increase and wages perpetually stagnate to the point where over 50% of millennials will never own a home or have a retirement. But the democratic party wont even make this reality a part of their campaign platform because all that matters to them is appealing to the billionaire war lords who own them. But i guess as long as their boots and lies are palatable for you to swallow, bon appétit!