EDIT: I’m picking up on some big time virgin energy from all the people in this thread who think girlsmell is a fetish. Girls smell. If you didn’t know that, it’s clear the only women you’ve ever been with were 2D.

PS: If you prefer boysmell that is also very valid, and if you don’t like stinky partners at all I want you to know I stand with the ace community and I’m only meaning to make fun of allos.

        • archonet@lemy.lol
          19 hours ago

          sure looked like a concession to me, sport. also, “homophobic”? Lmfao. We were talking about animal fetishists, not gay people – further, I’m gay. Wanting to fuck your own gender is a recognized (and in some places protected) sexual orientation, wanting to fuck animals is not. It’s okay, I still forgive your stupidity. Better luck next time, champ.