• AngusOReily@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    The Tenni-bator. A guy would approach the tennis courts from the woods in a trench coat and beat his meat to tennis practice. Male or female, if I remember correctly. When they’d try to catch him, he’d disappear into the woods. I don’t think he was ever caught.

  • VoidCrow@lemmy.worldOP
    11 months ago

    There were a few for my high school, but one I was there for was when I was sitting in the bus when suddenly everything went quiet (highly unusual). I looked behind myself and everyone was covering their ears, then the smell of gunpowder hit my nose. Some dumb fuck lit a firecracker and tossed it into the middle lane (wtvr it was called) when the bus was driving between the lake and the train tracks. Thank GOD it was a dud. Anyways, I brought this up to the principle and teachers the next day and seemingly no one gave a shit ?? Goes to show how garbage my school was lol

    For my college, I can’t give specifics but it’d have to be the murders. Very tragic and sad incident

      • VoidCrow@lemmy.worldOP
        11 months ago

        I didn’t want to dox my college because it became a pretty huge deal (however you’ll probably know with this comment admittedly) but there was a mass murder killing a couple students one night, I think the guy got caught but it was a devastating time. Not to mention subsequently getting the emails from my college stating a murder happened and then following it up with several murders actually was scary

  • ImplyingImplications@lemmy.ca
    11 months ago

    All the computers at my highschool had a shared drive anyone could access. Someone put an executable for a Tron-style multiplayer game in that drive and it caused a craze where, at any given time, half the school computers were being used by students to play this Tron game with each other over LAN instead of studying.

    I may have been the one who put the executable on the drive to play with my friends. I may have also been banned from using the school computers for the rest of the semester because of it.

  • tox_solid@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    One of the special needs kids got naked in the bathroom, took a shit on the floor and rubbed it all over the walls and himself before strolling the halls ass naked and covered in his own shit. It was a wild scene, man.

    • yiliu@informis.land
      11 months ago

      There was a similar kid in my school who had a thing for pooping right on center court in the gym. He’d try to escape his supervisors to do it. One time was in the middle of my gym class during a floor hockey game. It was…something.

      Same kid used to have seizures: he’d go stiff and fall over. Sometimes he landed head first. The sound of a human head hitting a concrete floor with no attempt to soften the blow haunts me to this day. You could hear it halfway across the school…

      • BadRS@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        Knew a girl who would just stop whatever she was doing, find a table or some small place to hide, and proceed to have a seizure. Apparently the hiding was part of it because she was unresponsive and could never remember doing it.

  • Decimit@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    In grade school, “that incident” was we would spin the merry-go-round as fast as we could.

    Well, a dude flew off of it, hit the tree, and tore his sack.

  • kerplunk@lemmy.nz
    11 months ago

    Principal was fired by the board, and then immediately sued the school for wrongful dismissal. It was a landmark case and ended up on national news. The principal won and the school went broke. It was the best school in town until then: all the good teachers quit and went elsewhere taking many students with them because parents didn’t want their kids in a broke school with only the crappy teachers left.

  • Vaggumon@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    I went to a boarding school for the blind. The high school and elementary schools were connected by a long hallway. I was 19 and so had a bit more freedom to do things the others were not allowed. One of the thing I liked doing was hanging out with the elementary principles admin assistant. She was 22 and we really liked each other. You can fill in the rest I’m sure. They couldn’t do anything about it, but they really tried. She eventually quit but would come back and pick me up to go to her place. Got asked once where I was going everyday by a dorm manager. Told them the truth, this guy was an older biker, drove a Harley and wore a leather jacket. The kids loved him cause he wasn’t an ass and let us get away with a lot of stuff. He thought it was hilarious. I was told by others multiple times that it was inappropriate. The year after I graduated they added a rule to the bylaws that said no students could date or have any other relationships with school staff.

  • fubo@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Oh, there were plenty. There was the student with the Confederate flag in his dorm window. There was the underage student doing a nude bondage show in a residence hallway for cigarette money. There was the underground newspaper stolen by the editors of the official newspaper. There was apparently a naked bus driver at one point but I don’t know the details. There was a staff member caught in the shower with a student — caught by the staff member’s brand-new wife, who was also on staff. There was the student pirating movies, making DVDs, and selling them to staff.

    • VoidCrow@lemmy.worldOP
      11 months ago


      Man seeing that first point listed here is kinda surreal to see. Because my highschool was in a bumbfuck nowhere yeeyee ass town there were confederate flags everywhere and fake wannabe southerners in cowboy hats (this is a very north state lol) literally the first thing you’d see upon entering the town was one of those flags flying on the right side (tho it slowly got destroyed by the weather until it was taken down thankfully)

      • fubo@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        Oh, those are from different institutions. That one wasn’t even in the South; it was in New England. Dude was trolling; years before “right-wing troll” was a paid online job.

        • VoidCrow@lemmy.worldOP
          11 months ago

          Omg I cannot with non-american conservatives 💀can’t even use the “southern pride” excuse at that point lmao (edit: bozo forgot geography)

  • RegalPotoo@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    High school home economics teacher got fired for throwing a box grater at a student. Major anger management problems aside, she was a pretty crap teacher

  • RojaBunny@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Lordy this one is so specific I’ll probably doxx myself with it, lol.

    Small town college in a pretty red (enough) state, one store in town to buy any groceries unless you have a car and can get to the bigger stores in the next town. Black kid gets tackled fleeing the shop by the son of the shop owners, initial wave of gossip blames racial profiling by the white owners and the students start boycotting the business. College itself gets involved and stops purchasing food for the dining halls (baked goods, etc.) from the shop, severely cutting into their business margins. Turns out the kid was actually shoplifting, and if I remember correctly was shoplifting alcohol while underage, and it becomes a huge fiasco (as if it wasn’t already) with the police getting involved and I think the business sued the college. Not positive how it ended as it mostly happened right when I was graduating.

    There were news articles about it online as it got to be a pretty huge deal with the lawsuits and everything. Partly posting this to see how many other people from there at that time are on here (I suspect more than a few).

    Edited to add - turns out there’s an entire wikipedia article about this, so have fun anyone who searches for this lmao.

  • codanaut@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    In high school some kids stole a school bus, trashed the inside and peed all over the back. Left their beer bottles and cigarette butts all over. Tore up a bunch of the seats, burned some of them. Crashed it into a ditch at some point but managed to keep going. They did at least park it back where they got it from tho. Whole big shit show the next morning. They had the entire high school in the gym, threatening to suspend and charge whoever did it. The thing was everybody already figured out who it was when most of the boys and girls basketball team didn’t show up that morning. In the end they only got community service with a fine and were supposed to be suspended but that got canceled because they made it to state and apparently state basketball is more important than their punishment. One kid just sold a cow and covered the fine for all of them. Three of them had just gotten in trouble the year before for stealing a car and rolling it, two of them almost died but apparently they didn’t learn anything that time either.

  • Mr_Buscemi@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    11 months ago

    The one I kept hearing during HS was the serial masturbator who looked like Harry Potter.

    Basically there was one kid who would constantly start jacking off during classes. Wouldn’t stop when told to stop.

    Was three grades below me so I was luckily never in the classes where it happened. So many people I know weren’t as lucky and saw it.

    I got no idea why the school allowed the kid to still be on the campus.

    School turned into an early college one after I started, so those kids were dealing with enough already to then deal with constantly seeing a kid jackoff in college level classes.