• spudwart@spudwart.com
    11 months ago

    Okay but for more clarity sake. LINUX IS NOT UNIX. I don’t care how many certifications or random university teachers mix the two up, they’re wrong.

    Linux has only one bit of history with Unix and that is the fact it was made because there was no easily accessible Unix source code for Linus and other students to use. Linus made a Unix-like os. Hence Lin-ux. But it’s not Unix. It doesn’t use any Unix source code. It’s not based on System V or any other official Unix version. Linux is Unix in name only. Its POSIX compliant and has a few POSIX certified distros, but it’s not Unix.

    This fact is what made it so favorable to devs worldwide. Unix having his history as a proprietary operating system with a confusing license situation where AT&T would seemingly go sue happy at random made Unix scary and unfavorable.

    Linux was built from the ground up. It had no such history. If Linux were Unix this couldn’t possibly have been true, and it certainly wouldn’t have gone on to take over the server and smart phone markets.

    Linux is not Unix.

    Unix is not Linux.

    MacOS is not Linux.

    BSD is not Linux.

    • ILikeBoobies@lemmy.ca
      11 months ago

      People say Mac is BSD, haven’t heard it called Linux

      It’s referred to as Unix for the conventions it implements not from being built out of