A simple question to this community, what are you self-hosting? It’s probably fun to hear from each-other what services we are running.

Please mention at least the service (e.g. e-mail) and the software (e.g. postfix). Extra bonus points for also mentioning the OS and/or hardware (e.g. Linux Distribution, raspberry pi, etc) you are running on.

  • legion@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Part of my Reddit exodus plan was to get serious about my RSS setup.

    I’ve settled on:

    • FreshRSS as my feed manager (supported by Reeder app in iOS and MacOS)
    • FiveFilters Full Text extractor
    • rss-proxy site scraper

    I may experiment with some replacements for rss-proxy, as I’ve run into a couple sites it doesn’t scrape well, but FreshRSS and FiveFilters have been smashing successes.