Personally, I feel like low empathy is a sign of low intelligence ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Emotions control so much of human behaviour so if you can’t understand yours or others you won’t be able to solve any problems with a human element.
low empathy is a sign of low intelligence
It absolutely is. Empathy is about analyzing a situation from a perspective that isn’t your own. That requires a lot of abstract thought. It’s like giving someone two apples and then taking one away and asking them how many apples there are versus asking them to solve 2-1=x
As someone on the autism spectrum, I’m going to have to disagree. Yes, I’m as dumb as a pile of bricks in many social situations. But I shine when I’m given an engineering problem to solve.
I’m fairly positive that my drug use in early adulthood damaged my intelligence somewhat. I am also certain that it broadened my perspective and improved my ability to understand others. Good trade imo.
Reduce my empathy for extra intelligence. Kill two birds with one stone.
I’d give up natural empathy to gain extra natural intelligence. Of course I assume with the intelligence I could be empathetic at will. And I could turn off empathy when it was inconvenient.
For autistic people this really isn’t much of a paradox, I’ve had to learn empathetic skills as an adult because they don’t come naturally anyway. So give me more intelligence all of it!
Less empathy, more happy, easy choice.
I’d vote to increase my intelligence, but I don’t have empathy to reduce.
I mean, my empathy causes me a lot of stress. I’ll take the intelligence.
May I have some happiness instead?
You can’t have intelligence and happiness.
I would sacrifice both for more strength and charisma, letting me qualify for a paladin multiclass
I don’t feel like I’m lacking either all that much. If anything, having too much is an impediment in life. Less intelligent people don’t need to worry so much, and sociopaths don’t have a care in the world.
As someone pretty high in both, I’d lose some empathy. Gets me me in trouble sometimes