Inspired by this post:
If we’re reviving everything then start with Mythbusters
What are some modern channels that do similar stuff? If episodes area available, what are older shows that might work?
Some more general examples that come to mind:
SloMoGuys - mostly seeing things in slow motion to see how it works
How Ridiculous - For a younger audience, but it fits
Mark Rober - Engineered stuff
Not quite related, but maybe:
I’m certain there are more; these are just the ones I watch., RCtestflight, Project Air, and Wintergatan do some sciencey engineering stuff
There are also a ton of great CS YouTubers including Sebastian Lague, Acerola, AngeTheGreat, b2studios and Pezzza’s work
Some of the more rigorous scientific channels include Nighthawkinlight, CNC kitchen, RCtestflight, Wintergatan, and Major Hardware