• KindaLost@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    When my brother and I were around 14 we were killing time waiting for our mum while she was shopping. The main street was old so the storefronts opened out onto the street and the foot path was undercover. Every store had a sign hanging out the front. We were running along and jumping to touch every sign.

    We came across one that was too high. I gave up but my brother was jumping for all he was worth and I was laughing at his failure to touch it. Because thats what siblings do.

    My brother stopped to catch his breath and this really tall adult man wearing professional bright white chef clothing flies past, jumps really high and touches the sign. He shoots us a wide toothy grin mid air, lands on the ground, then casually continues on down the street. It was so unexpected, such a high jump from such a fancy looking man. We were extremely impressed and talked about it for months.