the one thing linux really hasnt been made on par with winblows yet is the dreadful amount of options for android simulation -the most popular choice seems to be Waydroid, but its such an unneeded hassle to set up at all -genymotion is just slow -and than you have things like android x86 which entirely defeat the point of an emulator

    1 year ago

    The only hard requirement is wayland, Thats not a hard sell, works perfectly fine on xfce when using a nested wayland compositor.

    Waydroid also has matrix and discord available.

    If you weren’t willing to at least put a modicum of effort into reporting your issues properly, don’t complain about open source software, go use Windows.

    You’re getting a free product, for free what a surprise. you can complain all you want, but in this case yes, it is your fault. If you’re not willing to try and help yourself a little bit, then yes it’s your fault.

    we can’t fix magical problems we can’t replicate. I know that might be a little hard to believe, but it is true.

    The fact of the matter is on The more popular distros, waydroid is more or less an out-of-box experience now. If you’re not willing to help your specific use case get fixed, then it won’t get fixed.

    stop complaining.