This picture would have been far, far better if the guy was wearing the oxygen mask, while still an obvious fake, it would look much better
That’s FAA trying to replicate and document yet another Boing disaster.
i think i found the problem. planes aren’t supposed to go ‘boing’.
It’s spelled “Boeing”…
Routine check if all the doors are still there
I giggled but I’d also like to point out that the -800 and -800 Max are different planes.
As in, one comes with doors included, but with the other they require a monthly subscription?
N… no…
At first you think it is totally fake, but then you start thinking how that picture was done in the first place?
I guess the background was replaced.
The frame of the window he is leaning out of is gone. So this plane was probably receiving maintenance, guy saw the window was removed, grabbed a selfie stick, took the photo, then shopped it onto a sky background. Plane has to be still, not only because this would be extremely hard, if not physically impossible to do, but dude’s hair isn’t even in motion.
The several hundred mile per hour wind would make holding a camera on a stick steady impossible
The fact that the number of people in this post, who believe this picture is a fake is not zero, is very concerning to me.
Well it is a real picture
If you think you can open the front window of a 737 above the clouds and the only thing that happens is that your tie is slightly blown to the side then you have a very limited grasp of reality.
I have a very voluminous grasp of reality, my friend. As you can see, those are NOT clouds, it is fog. And the plane is clearly cruising super slow (the clouds arent moving in the picture) allowing a hotshot pilot to roll down the windows–like in a car or a bicycle I bought off Wish–and that is why elements in the picture can happen in real physics. I am with @[email protected] :
it is a real picture.