Given new commercial entrants into the Fediverse such as WordPress, Tumblr
and Threads, we suggest collaboration among these parties to help bring the
trust and safety benefits currently enjoyed by centralized platforms to the wider
Fediverse ecosystem
In such a system, the server on which a post originates would submit imagery
to PhotoDNA for analysis
This same technique could also be applied to other hosted media analysis
mechanisms (e.g. Google’s SafeSearch or Microsoft’s Analyze Image API40
While large social media providers utilize signals such as browser User-Agent, TLS
fingerprint,8 IP and many other mechanisms to determine whether a previously
suspended bad actor is attempting to re-create an account, Mastodon admins
have little to work with apart from a user’s IP and e-mail address, both of which
are easily fungible.
So basically people might have joined the fediverse in large due to privacy reasons but if fediverse is to be “ethical” it should share your images with big tech as well as track you better.
I’d suggest that anyone who cares about the issue take the time to read the actual report, not just drama-oriented news articles about it.
So basically people might have joined the fediverse in large due to privacy reasons but if fediverse is to be “ethical” it should share your images with big tech as well as track you better.
He also laments Tor and E2E messaging.