• afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      It’s the lowest qualified bidder. What qualified means varies a lot. Qualified can mean that it is literally has to have the trademark of a certain company on the machine/system (yes I have seen this spec). Qualified could mean a set of criteria so specific that no one could reasonably come close to it except one or two companies. Qualified could mean a rigid set of business criteria (must be based with x distance away, must have been doing y for a set amount of years) that only one company fits it. Plus there is always blacklisting. Mess up enough and you aren’t getting work there for a decade. The governments are not powerless in who they hire.

      Added to this there is usually a general contractor who outsources most of the work. They have a lot of power in who they want. Plus there are competitive specs which are fun to write. Did you company secretly invest 6 months into making a new feature? Get the new feature added to the spec and make sure they lose business for a while playing catch-up.