I currently run a Lenovo minipc and an rpi4 to host all of my homelab services, and I just purchased a new minipc with an 11th Gen i5 in order to better handle Plex and transcoding. I would also like to add Immich to my homelab. Here is a breakdown of my current state:

Lenovo Mini PC running Proxmox: Home Assistant OS VM Ubuntu VM running:

  • Frigate
  • Pi-hole
  • Plex
  • Arr Stack
  • Transmission
  • Has two ext HDs in a mergerfs configuration to host all media and onsite homelab backups.


  • Wireguard VPN
  • Pi-hole

I am going to install Proxmox on the new minipc, and setup both in a cluster. I would like to move Plex, Arrs, Transmission, and Immich to the new mini PC. Because of that I am thinking the external drives should be connected directly to the new minipc to maximize performance. I would also like to have the ability to share the external drives to any nodes in the cluster.

Do you have any recommendations on how to best setup these drives? Should I setup a TrueNAS VM on the new minipc and share to all others via NFS? Any other tips for my setup?

  • DrWeevilJammer@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    You may have trouble keeping a quorum with a proxmox cluster of 2. You should really have 3, or set up a q-device. (Source)

    Each node in a cluster has a “vote” in a healthy cluster. If one of your devices goes (or is taken) down, you’ll lose quorum, and the GUI and some other stuff. You need 3 votes for things to work reliably. I have an old RPi set up as a q-device and it works fine.