I’ve realized I am really bothered by passive voice in cleaning with people I live with. “I am going to do the dishes tonight” - great “Eric, would you take out the trash tonight please?” - that’s fine! I probably would have taken it out if I had realized it was full. I’m an adult and this is my house, I try to keep it clean. “We need to clean up around here!” - What does that mean? Do you want me to clean? Are you going to clean? I thought things were pretty clean, is there something specific that needs cleaning?

Also me and my mom can’t live together because we do dishes differently. I am a “fill and start the dishwasher” person and she is a “Empty the sink” kind of person.

  • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️@yiffit.net
    1 year ago

    The lack of cleaning, really. When someone makes a mess and just leaves it. I live in a small apartment with 2 other people, and those other two people are slobs. I am the only one who ever cleans up anything in this damn place. 😡 FFS, it’s so small there is no reason, even laziness, to justify not throwing away your garbage when there is a trash can within reach of your chair.