With these new rules, FIDE has managed to

  1. Imply the mental inferiority of women
  2. Validate the existence of transgender men
  3. Destroy the integrity of awards record-keeping
  4. Call transgender women men

Very nice, FIDE, incredible mental gymnastics performance! 👏 Add them to the ever lengthening sports federation shitlist.

  • solrize@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    I’m a chess fan. Men-only events were abolished in the 1980s. There are now women’s events (no men allowed) and open events (everyone allowed). In practice open events are 90% male, and the male players, especially at the lower levels, tend to fit the smelly and socially inept stereotype. Playing in them can be unpleasant for women, and women’s events exist basically to provide playing venues where women can enjoy competitive chess while staying the hell away from us clueless males. As a clueless male myself, I can get behind that, no problem. I understand and I’m fine with it. How do cis women feel about playing alongside trans women? Idk, I’m cis male and I don’t feel entitled to spout off about that. But I think they are the ones I’d want to listen to the most.

    The top levels from what I can tell aren’t as bad as the lower levels, since the effort it takes to reach that level of chess tends to weed out the clueless and lazy. There is still bad stuff though, e.g. the incidents with GM Alejandro Ramirez.

    You might like the book Chess Bi tch (that is the title, damn censor bot),by WGM Jennifer Shahade reviewed here , about her experiences in both women’s and open chess events coming up through the ranks.

    As for FIDE, there currently aren’t really alternatives at the top levels. FIDE on the other hand is not much of a factor in lower and mid level chess. Those events tend to be regulated by national and ad hoc federations, etc.

    • NuPNuA@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      Does what cis women think about playing trans women really matter? You wouldn’t give a racist a time of day for saying they don’t want to play a black person, why should we care what TERFs think?

      • RickRussell_CA@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Because it’s a restricted participation class, and like it or not the details of those restrictions are important to the participants.

        If the class exists because women want it, then it’s reasonable ask women participants what they want.

        If someone proposed a restricted class limited to PoC, it would be entirely appropriate to ask PoC what they think about the proposal.

        • NuPNuA@lemm.ee
          1 year ago

          You’re looking at my analogy the wrong way. I’m saying that if a racist said they didn’t want to play with black people as they don’t see them as equal, we wouldn’t give them the time of day, so why do we give bigoted women the time of day because they refuse to accept transwomens gender?

          • RickRussell_CA@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            if a racist said they didn’t want to play with black people

            If the larger community proposed a restricted class for black people, we would still listen to black people about whether they thought it was a good idea, not the racists.

            The previous commenters’ statement that we need to listen to the women in the women’s restricted participation class, with respect to rule changes for the women’s restricted class, is valid. I think you’ve jumped to a conclusion that women chess players would oppose including trans chess players, without a basis in fact. It’s not clear to me that proposed restrictions on trans participation are actually coming from women participants.

            But if women players are concerned about the effect of including trans players (whatever effect that may be), clearly we should listen to them. The limited participation women’s class exists to serve the needs of the women in that class.