I had some performance problems. Suddenly, steam deck lost about 60% of its performance in games. My troubleshooting didn’t help. After that, I contacted steam support. We were talking for about a week, but nothing helped, so they agreed to send me a replacement.

I have to say… The fresh vent smells even better than I remember.

  • Macaroni_ninja@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    My joystick started squeaking after 14 months and the buttons started to register twice while pressed once. Steam support told me they are willing to fix it for like 200 USD, but no warranty after 1 year. It was a pleasant conversation but I hoped to get it fixed for free (I know its unreasonable after warranty) Glad to see they still making some exceptions. Good for you!

    I decided to buy my own buttons and replace them for a fraction of the cost.

    • CalcProgrammer1@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      I’m guessing they RMA’d this particular one because I think it is a firmware bug. Hopefully a firmware bug that has since been fixed in newer hardware revisons/BIOS updates. My old one ran into the same issue after 6 months and Valve basically offered an immediate RMA when I described the issue.