My wife and I started talking about this after she had to help an old lady at the DMV figure out how to use her iPhone to scan a QR code. We’re in our early 40s.

    1 year ago

    My wife and I regularly joke that one day we’ll harass our kids to help us with our neural interfaces but I don’t think that sort of thing will happen any time soon.

    When I was a kid in the 80’s a lot of people could already afford computers. They weren’t so cheap that everyone had them but they were affordable to a fair number of people if they really wanted one. A C64 cost $595 at launch, that’s under $2,000 in today’s dollars.

    The biggest barrier to computers were that they weren’t “user friendly”. If you wanted to play a simple video game you needed to know some basic command line instructions. When I wanted to set up my first mouse for my 8086 it involved installing drivers and editing config.sys and autoexec.bat. You couldn’t really do anything with a computer those days unless you were willing to nerd out.

    At the same time, nerding out on a computer could easily get you deep into the guts of your computer in a functional way. I learned that the only way I could play video games at night was if I opened up the computer and disconnected the speaker wire so it wouldn’t alert my parents. I also learned that I could “hack” Bards Tale by opening up the main file with debug and editing it so that the store would sell an infinite number of “Crystal Swords”.

    Today there are 2 cell phones for every human on earth. Kids walk around with supercomputers in their pockets. But they’ve become so “user friendly” that you barely even need to be literate to operate one. That’s generally a good thing but it removes an incentive to figuring out how the stuff works. Most people only bother with that if they’re having some trouble getting it working in the first place.

    At the same time it’s gotten much harder to make changes to your computer. The first Apple was a pile of circuits you needed to solder together. You can’t even remove the battery on a modern one (without jumping through a lot of hoops). If you edit some of your games it’s more likely to trigger some piracy or cheat protection than to let you actually change it.

    There are still large communities of computer nerds but your average person today basically treats computers like magic boxes.

    I’d expect that kind of gap in other areas. I’d take 3d printing as an example. You can get one now for a few hundred bucks. They’re already used in industry but, at this point, they’re still very fiddly. The people who have them at home are comfortable doing stuff like troubleshooting, flashing ROMs, wading through bad documentation and even printing custom upgrades for their printer.