I haven’t gone back since Apollo shut down, and not planning to, but I am curious.

  • KeisukeTakatou@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    What infuriates me are subs that act like nothing is happening. I can understand not wanting to get involved with drama but actively supporting the devs by pretending everything is fine is vile to me.

  • sasunnach@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Business as usual for the subs I frequent. I wish they’d move over to Lemmy but the infertility/IVF group is a super tight knit community and likely won’t move over. I’ve known most of the users for 5 years. If it weren’t for them I’d have deleted my Reddit account but all I did was delete the official app (I had the Reddit app and RIF).

  • Gecko@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Noticed quite an increase in bot posts over on r/titanfall to the point where a retired mod wanted to return to their position to help deal with it. Given that I’m kinda moving away from Reddit I gave them their position back so that I can start moving on.

  • Candelestine@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I mean, half the good subs are still gone. I can’t even use my home feed anymore, its half just video game subs now. Places like r/interestingasfuck were regular features in my feed that were pretty important to it being a pleasant experience overall. I balanced that shit.

    Now its all fucked. I still have my account and still go there, to poke around and participate in some of those video game subs, where reddit is still clearly dominant. But hanging out has gotten kinda lame.

  • hairinmybellybutt@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    You can see a lot of communities being closed or not back to normal. My feeling is that this whole thing will leave a big scar on reddit for a long time, and it will probably never heal, because it was mostly hitting core users who were there for a long time. Maybe they calculated that most users are lurkers who use mobile, and the rest is people using old reddit?

    The problem is that it’s not a good idea to upset the mods, but reddit also works with content, and it’s a complex chemistry between people who post new things and how the mods regulate it to make sure their sub has quality. I guess that a lot of mods don’t care, or maybe they don’t care now but will care later? Maybe new subreddits will open with other mods.

    Eitherway, reddit is ready to sacrifice a good fraction of its quality and trust to extract money out of it, but reddit users are not instagram users.

    It was more and more difficult to make reddit interesting by avoiding some subreddits and searching for subreddits that were more and more niche, but at some point you feel that something is lost after the whole “increase quantity, dilute quality” phase.

    Reddit is also getting more polarized and politics have really poisoned the site to a degree never seen before, Trumpists were present there for waaaaay too long, and it attracted a lot of conservatives and right wing users who don’t fit with the usual reddit crowds. It managed to survive after a looooot of drama, but after all this, maybe the core users of reddit are just tired, and might slowly quit the ship, and maybe reddit will see the same problems twitter is currently having, with conservative etc running rampant.

    I wish reddit would have stood up with its core users who are mostly liberals/leftists, instead of compromising and letting fascists thrive there.

    I use my country’s subreddit and it seems the right wing phase is being felt more and more, I’m feeling even the mods start to get tired because of it. every month I’m surprised by the opinions of the comments I see on this sub. Maybe it also reflects world politics, but I’m not sure. Sometimes I get paranoid and I imagine that astroturfers are often around to leave a mean comment, or downvote things that doesn’t fit their agenda.

    The upside is that reddit still managed to hold up for much longer than digg.