Nowadays Windows is filled with adware and is fairly slow, but it wasn’t always like this. Was there a particular time where a change occurred?

  • Captain
    3 months ago

    I think there are two eras that have some overlap:

    1. Microsoft developed new versions of Windows to be more compelling by adding features, capabilities, new hardware compatibility, etc. I think this was the main era they were in from the inception of Windows to somewehere in the XP-Vista-7 era, and fully ended a couple years into Win 10.

    2. Microsoft developed new versions of Windows mainly as spyware to extract data from and about users to exploit themselves or sell to other parties. I believe this started late in the Win 7 era and really took off mid-Win 10 and is continuing to escalate.

    Note: I don’t think they ever really cared about their users needs or wants, because their main business strategy has always been elimination of competition as much as the law would allow. No one asked for the caramel pepperoni milkshake that was Win 8’s half desktop half tablet UI, they incorrectly thought they could horn in on the iPad market if they half assed it just enough. Most of Win 10’s history has been “Microsoft is going all in on [trendy bullshit]!” 6 months later “Microsoft is ripping out all support for [trendy bullshit].” Their inferior voice assistant, 3D, AR, AI, all this stupid crap no one wants. Microsoft’s attempts at anticipating what users want in a computer platform began and ended with Microsoft Bob.