Big budget, A-list actors, lots of marketing, great movie. Is anyone here not aware of Dredd?

I keep trying to come up with recommendations for cyberpunk movies that people might not have seen. Yet most obscure movies are obscure for a reason. It’s usually “this movie is good but ____” or “it’s a fun movie if you can ignore ____” So for most of these recommendations, I hesitate to say “this movie is awesome and you need to see it!” because I don’t want to mislead anyone. Of course, this means all the movies that I truly do think are awesome I assume everyone has already seen and I don’t need to suggest them.

But maybe enough time has passed that some people here haven’t seen Dredd? Well, if you haven’t, you should. It’s awesome. Just don’t watch the 1995 Judge Dredd movie with Sylvester Stallone and Rob Schneider because that one is not good.


Of course, I say everyone should watch Dredd but it isn’t streaming anywhere… except DirecTV I guess, if that counts. But I made a post earlier where I mentioned I’ve been avoiding recommending movies that you can’t watch online and some people said I should recommend them anyway. So here we are.

    1 year ago

    Yeah, I 100% owe both of those movies a re-watch just based on what yourself and /u/[email protected] have said. I liked the vibe of both but as I said, they somehow just felt like cheap copies of master works.

    Dune I think my main issues were pacing and casting. Just generally what they did to some of the characters. I read a couple of Dune books again over the last few years as excitement built around the upcoming film.

    They really did my boy Paul Atreides dirty by casting Chalamet in the role. Paul is not supposed to be a simpering, anxious boy…

    With that said, the world of Frank Herbert’s Dune is one that has proved impossibly difficult to adapt to screen over the years and in terms of overall world building and feel this is by far the closest to hit the mark for the overall world I think. I just feel they missed the mark entirely with some of the characters to the overall detriment of the story and spent a lot of screentime on scenes that don’t contribute a great deal whilst ignoring a lot of good source material entirely.

    I’m going to track down all of the apes movies and spent a weekend on these and re-watching Dredd, BR2049 and Dune. Been a while since I had a proper movie day! Good chats, all. Thanks for the ted talk ;p