TLDR: No, they weren’t.

This is a “pro-Kremlin disinformation narrative labelling popular protests against Russian allies as foreign-sponsored colour revolutions”.

So-called “colour revolutions” are an invention of infamous conspiracy theorist, and perennial presidential candidate, Lyndon LaRouche. There’s a good (quite long) video on this topic here: which is the fourth in a series about the Ukraine war.

There is no evidence pointing to any foreign involvement in the protests in Venezuela. These protests erupted after the country’s National Electoral Commission declared Nicolás Maduro as winner with 51% of the votes but did not release the minutes of voting stations, leading to accusations of fraud and widespread doubts among regional governments and international actors, who refused to recognise the results unless the minutes are published in a transparent manner. Opposition leaders claimed to have evidence of fraud after collecting more than 70% of the physical minutes, and created a website where citizens can access the actual results in their constituencies, which would show the opposition candidate Edmundo González won the election by a wide margin. Protests were widespread and took place in several cities, and involved people from all social extractions, debunking the allegation that demonstrators were paid and acted for profit.

Edit: fixed some grammar.