The Israeli human rights group B’Tselem has published a major new report documenting how the Israeli prison system has become “a network of torture camps,” where physical, psychological and sexual abuse of Palestinian prisoners is normalized and routine.

The report, titled “Welcome to Hell,” collects the testimony of 55 Palestinians who were detained by Israeli authorities since October 7 and later released, almost all without charges. This comes as a group of U.N. experts condemned the widespread torture of Palestinians and as Israel’s Channel 12 News aired shocking footage of Israeli soldiers sexually abusing a prisoner at the Sde Teiman army base, where thousands of detainees from Gaza are held.

Sarit Michaeli, the international advocacy lead for B’Tselem, says the abuse in Israeli prisons is “systemic, ongoing and state-sanctioned,” reflecting the cruelty and thirst for revenge among a growing number of Israelis. “They would like to have a completely open field in terms of what they can do to Palestinians,” says Michaeli.

You can find the full report of testimonies here

    2 months ago

    You were talking about Japan’s social sentiment of the zainichi. So I pointed to the year long hate speech protests they conducted toward school children

    More than half of which were driven out of the country, by threat of settler violence, during the Nakhba.

    It is completely false. They left because their Arab allies warned them to leave as they were going to invade Israel. Which they did.

    What really happened is the first Jewish immigrants(just 100 people in 1890 known as Rishon LeZion) faced harsh conditions. Trouble farming their barren land, starving and trouble getting water to their settlement. All while starving and trying to live the Arab marauders would pillaged their settlement. There was no displacement or made up nakhba.

    When the blood-curdling battle cry exhorting the masses to slaughter the Jews, “Itbach al-Yahud,” was first shouted on April 4, 1920, by Arab marauders rampaging through the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City, it was accompanied by another mantra: “A-Dawla ma’ana” – the government is with us.That was the first brazen reverberation of the trust that Jews can be attacked with impunity, that no deterrence exists. It was since oft-chanted during the perpetration of other atrocities during the British Mandate era masterminded by Haj Amin el- Husseini, most notably the hideous Hebron massacre of 1929.

    That sentiment has always been the same to " Itbach al-Yahud " even nearly 100 years later with Hamas.

    Then, WTF is “Hamas-Palestinians”

    Damn, you really are dumber than I thought. Looool.

      2 months ago

      So I pointed to the year long hate speech protests they conducted toward school children

      Who is “they”? You might want to go back and read that article.

      As to the rest… yeah even if you don’t identify as Kahanite you’re still spouting the same myths. You’re the kind of guy at those kind of hate speech protests, desperately trying to find a place in the world that you can pretend is doing worse, so you can absolve yourself of your own bigotry. Pointing fingers, the favourite sport of the self-righteous. Remember: If you point your finger at someone else, three are pointing back at you. Try it, it’s really true.

        2 months ago

        Who is “they”? You might want to go back and read that article.

        …? The Japanese anti Korea public? The Japanese public who let the protests continue for a whole year?

        you’re still spouting the same myths.

        What myths? For someone who has carried on for 3 days it’s weird you stop here.

        There is literally nothing you have said to the treatment of the first settlers in 1890. They didn’t displace anyone. It was just 100 people settling surrounded by what? 100K people? And that’s the way they were treated? Left to starve and their village pillaged? Okay buddy. You say Rishon LeZion is a myth? That they had to go to France just to get a well made because those jew haters couldn’t help them is a myth?

          2 months ago

          The Japanese public who let the protests continue for a whole year?

          They are Uyoku dantai. Expanding that to the sole population is like calling all Israelis Kahanites, all white Americans KKK while calling all black Americans Nation of Islam, etc.

          You say Rishon LeZion is a myth?

          You were talking about 1920. That’s Battle of Tel Hai and the Nebi Musa riots.

          But there was much more than the Arab misinterpretation of our Western-minded moderation

          Oh, Jerusalem Post. I suppose Igrun is supposed to be “moderate”, eh. I suppose the League of Nations mandate essentially telling Arabs “yep we’re going to turn this into a Jewish majority country you don’t get a say and we’ll back it up with British guns” was moderate. It indeed then was unsarcastically moderate of the Brits to limit Jewish immigration as things became hot – to which the likes of Igrun responded with terror attacks not just on Arabs, but also the Brits, because I mean how dare they care about public order. Everything is very moderate here. All were hippies who just wanted to live in peace, yes. Nothing to see here, the State of Israel had a virgin birth, wrapped in innocence.

            2 months ago

            Expanding that to the sole population is like calling all Israelis Kahanites, …

            You did just call me that. I don’t know what it means.

            You were talking about 1920. That’s Battle of Tel Hai and the Nebi Musa riots.

            1920 is 30 years after the first settlement. I believe the first settlement were hippies who wanted to live in peace. A lot of them had just moved there from a crazy situation in Russia. Why is it a crazy notion they want to live in peace? You don’t explain why they were attacked and pillaged and I can’t find that. Other than Arab marauders have always looted and pillaged for hundreds of years?

            That is maybe part of the context to all those moderate actions Britain took.

            You have to think as well. This was all some 3d game of Russian propaganda chess and controlled chaos.

            You called me a kahanite well what about you? Left wing anti Semite?

            This also can seem to describe you.

              2 months ago

              You did just call me that. I don’t know what it means.

              And yet you comment on Israel. LMFAO. I already had you half-pegged as an Israeli but that definitely disqualifies you, you know nothing about Israel.

              A lot of them had just moved there from a crazy situation in Russia. Why is it a crazy notion they want to live in peace?

              Nothing, whatsoever. Where it becomes problematic is turning it into a colonial project. And no, early Zionists were not at all shy about calling what they were doing colonialism.

              1920 is 30 years after the first settlement.

              1920 is what the article you linked starts off with. It has pretty much nothing to do with Rischon LeZion.

              You don’t explain why they were attacked and pillaged and I can’t find that. Other than Arab marauders have always looted and pillaged for hundreds of years?

              Who got pillaged, when? And, yes, shit happens. The right course of action would’ve been to round up the perpetrators and put them before court. What the Idrun did, instead, was to bomb police stations and market places.

              As to your insinuations of antisemitism: I’m German with Jewish roots. My grandfather barely survived the race laws. My aunt lives in Israel. I could grab my passport, fly to Israel, and get citizenship on arrival. My political stance regarding the whole thing can be best summed up as vaguely Labour-Zionist. You know, the kind of Israelis who get beaten up by Israeli police right now for protesting the genocide. The kind of people more concerned with pudding prices than killing Arabs.

              There’s two things to understand if you ever want to see an end to the bloodshed in that area:

              1. There can be no Israeli security without Palestinian freedom
              2. There can be no Palestinian freedom without Israeli security

              Fascists on both sides are happy to make sure neither of the two ever happens. They mutually depend on each other.

                2 months ago

                I already had you half-pegged as an Israeli but that definitely disqualifies you, you know nothing about Israel.

                That contradicts itself. How can you have me half pegged as an Israeli if I know nothing. I would have to know a decent amount of something.

                And no, early Zionists were not at all shy about calling what they were doing colonialism.

                Ohh no they setup a colony where persecuted Jews across Europe could escape to. You might wonder if the Jews moving to that area may have been a good thing? With the Jews also brought lots of Arab immigrants as well. And just for some numbers in 1900 there were around 600,000 Arabs in Israel and 90 thousand Jews.

                1920 is what the article you linked starts off with. It has pretty much nothing to do with Rischon LeZion

                Yes it does. It shows how things escalated over the 30 years after the settlement of Rishon LeZion and to what degree the Palestine Arabs escalated it.

                Who got pillaged, when? And, yes, shit happens. The right course of action would’ve been to round up the perpetrators and put them before court. What the Idrun did, instead, was to bomb police stations and market places.

                Rishon LeZion. 1983 while they were starving with no water well trying to transport water on camelback to farm the land. How can they round up the perpetrators? I’m assuming the perpetrators hide behind some guarded fortress. You think a starving people is going to accomplish that?

                Then back to the Jerusalem Post article the relevant part is here: you even pointed to it yourself.

                But there was much more than the Arab misinterpretation of our Western-minded moderation and inclination to delude ourselves that if we overlook sporadic barrages from Gaza, its homicidal ardor will somehow dissipate.

                Here are some announcements and warnings the Irgun gave to Palestine-Arabs. Why are you so apologetic for those murderers?

                The National Military Organization has warned you, if the murderous attacks on Jewish civilians shall continue, its soldiers will penetrate your centers of activity and plague you. You have not heeded the warning. You continued to harm our brothers and murder them in wild cruelty. Therefore soldiers of the National Military Organization will go on the attack, as we have warned you.

                … However even in these frenzied times, when Arab and Jewish blood is spilled at the British enslaver, we hereby call upon you … to stop the attacks and create peace between us. We do not want a war with you. We are certain that neither do you want a war with us…[57]

                  2 months ago

                  That contradicts itself. How can you have me half pegged as an Israeli if I know nothing. I would have to know a decent amount of something.

                  You can regurgitate right-wing Israeli propaganda myths quite well, that’s not common outside of Israel. But from an Israeli the reaction to Kahanites being mentioned would have been either a) “Hell yeah sure let’s kill all Arabs” or b) “No Kahanites are terrible you see my position is different because I want Arabs dead not because I hate them but because I’m afraid of them” or c) “fuck yeah they’re our version of Hamas keeping the bullshit conflict going”.

                  You might wonder if the Jews moving to that area may have been a good thing?

                  You mean whether colonialism is a good thing? No. No, it isn’t.

                  Rishon LeZion. 1983

                  …erm, what? If you meant 1893, well, first off it’s a bad idea to start off an agricultural settlement without specialists in agriculture or irrigation, secondly, I was speaking generally. It would’ve first been British responsibility to round up instigators, which they couldn’t really do because Zionists, instead of working with the British, bombed them instead, nowadays it’s Israeli responsibility and we all know how Apartheid courts work: Throw a stone at a tank, not even scratching the paint, get sentenced to 15 years in prison. As a juvenile, mind you.

                  You think a starving people is going to accomplish that?

                  You’re again talking about Rishon LeZion’s startup trouble, I presume. How is the responsibility of random Johnny Arab to go out of their way to help some random Jews wanting to settle in the middle of nowhere without proper preparation. Why would they owe the settlers that.

                  Here are some announcements and warnings the Irgun gave to Palestine-Arabs. Why are you so apologetic for those murderers?

                  Oh. Is that it? “We warned them we would be bombing the shit out of marketplaces and they didn’t cease to do perfectly normal and peaceful things like visiting the market to buy and sell food so we had no choice but to terrorise them”. That is murder apologia if I’ve ever seen it.

                  to stop the attacks and create peace between us. We do not want a war with you. We are certain that neither do you want a war with us

                  And yet the terror continued.

                    2 months ago

                    You mean whether colonialism is a good thing? No. No, it isn’t.

                    Then why did the population of Arabs in the area exponentially grow. It doesn’t seem as bad as you make it to be. You act like Jews came there and stole their land and pillaged them. As I pointed out with Rishon LeZion in 1883 it’s not really the case it’s the other way around if anything.

                    Why shouldn’t Jews have a colony in Israel anyways? Why only Arabs?

                    which they couldn’t really do because Zionists, instead of working with the British, bombed them instead,

                    Wonder why they would do that? British sure we’re helping them. /s

                    Anyways for someone who hates colonialism so much you sure are upset they got the Brits up out of there.

                    How is the responsibility of random Johnny Arab to go out of their way to help some random Jews wanting to settle in the middle of nowhere without proper preparation. Why would they owe the settlers that.

                    No, you know, you’re right. Instead it was their responsibility to pillage them. Why would they owe them anything else than the pillaging of their starving settlement. Cowards. And you’re upset they lost their own war? From what I read they were always savage pillagers for hundreds of years. Until someone checked them. And they checked them fucking hard. Deservingly at that.

                    We warned them we would be bombing the shit out of marketplaces and they didn’t cease to do perfectly normal and peaceful things like visiting the market to buy and sell food so we had no choice but to terrorise them"

                    Maybe they didn’t heed to the warnings and stop terrorizing people themselves. Wtf are you supposed to do? Wait another 30 years and hope it all stops?

                    Also you have to think once they got their own state or colony or whatever you call it the Irgun ended all that. On top of it the Irgun isn’t an official entity of the Israeli government. In fact their govt labeled them a terrorist organization.

                    And yet the terror continued.

                    Of course it did. They been terrorizing for hundreds of years.