I consistently hear people on YouTube complain that the subscribe button doesn’t do anything for viewers, now that channel notifications are controlled by the bell. But it does do something: it puts the videos from that channel in your subscription feed, which is readily accessible on all versions of YouTube. So why do people act like it doesn’t exist? I think it’s super convenient, especially if you’re subscribed to a ton of channels and don’t want your notifications feed flooded with new videos.

  • alokir@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Same. My subscription feed is a curated list of creators whose videos I look forward to and probably watch on release. If I notice that I consistently don’t watch the new videos anymore I unsub.

    I thought everyone used YT like this.

    • slazer2au@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      apparently it is a very low count, supposedly 2% of views.

      I don’t know if the information is accurate any more, I heard it on the Hello Internet podcast quite a few years ago.