• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • This is one of the reasons I left Reddit. Sure everyone needs to be paid for their work but it gets a little more suspect when I donate my time and attention, and it is monetized, and I still have to deal with too many ads

    And someone who does NOT deserve to be paid is the “journalist” who writes those articles “LoveBunny68 on social media site Reddit said ….”. I guess I hope that is some sort of automation because no one deserves to be paid for that and I imagine an actual writer ready to commit suicide if stuck writing those

  • It’s the fish argument all over again. Some vegetarians reason they can eat fish because fish has simple enough nervous system that it can be aware of its suffering. Sure it reacts to pain, but is it aware?

    Similarly, grass may react to damage, but have such simple systems that you can’t even call it pain, much less that they have any awareness of pain

  • As a more manageable and not quite as expensive option: a shorter sail might be most of the adventure you need.

    I live in Boston and at one point joined a sailing school/club out of Boston harbor. They had mostly 35’ boats but a few up to 49’. It was so much fun learning to deal with open water, complex boats, crew cooperation.

    However the one thing I wasn’t in a position to do …. They organized cruises on the bigger boats: form a crew and sail to the Caribbean! While it’s nowhere near around the world, something like this is a couple weeks at sea and seems like a really cool adventure

  • Robots are cool and all, but considering our (in a larger sense) children is literally the future of our civilization. The next generation is why it’s important to fix our mistakes, to leave things better than we found them, to open new opportunities and greater potential. Automation can enable that but is not a goal in itself, or is a short term goal for personal gain.

    So yes, I’ll agree that we seem to have passed the healthy carrying capacity of the planet and should fix that. However I’ll strongly disagree that it would be a good thing to drop below the sustainability of current society, innovation, science, and I’ll strongly disagree it’s desirable to drop population fast enough to destabilize societies, economies, or to cause human suffering. That’s what we my be headed for. A few tweaks now, might help population level off and gradually decline without causing suffering, and hopefully level off at a healthy total.

    Let’s fix our mistakes while still setting the next generation up for success, not give in to misery and root for disaster

    Edit: if you read the Wikipedia article on degrowth, there’s surprisingly little focus on reducing population and it really isn’t a goal, although an important tool. Pretty much all of the precepts contradict sudden population declines or the aftereffects of that

  • Granted I have very simple requirements, so It does seem pretty easy, except

    • there are still too many devices that don’t support it
    • too many ISPs don’t support it, including mine

    So switching to IPv6 means running dual stack and setting up a tunnel, and I probably need to relearn firewalls. I’m not sure any of those are very difficult but it’s enough, especially since there’s no clear win here

    If Matter-Thread ever gets off the ground that would help: most of my newer IPv4-only devices are home automation so switching to an IPv6-based protocol should finally make that happen

  • Degrowth is coming. Birth rate is below replacement in essentially all developed countries and is steeply dropping in less developed ones as well. We’re on track for population to level off and start dropping in only a few decades, as current larger generations die off.

    We just need to hope that “natural” depopulation isn’t too late for addressing climate change.

    But I’d argue it’s likely to drop too steeply, further destabilizing societies. Think of it like climate change in the 1970’s: we can fix it now with minimal impact, or we could wait until it’s a crisis. We need to take steps now to make having more children a more attractive choice

  • Hinduism is not an actual religion? They would have a harder time getting anyone to agree with a straight face

    I do hope this is a form of protest, simply because he’s going to run into all sorts of racism and bigotry that we should have long since outgrown. If he makes those politicians understand their inconsistency, that’s a win.

    On the other hand, he’s right about the historical importance of such a major religion and we would all do well to learn more about that. If religion belongs anywhere in public schooling, it would be as a survey or comparative religion course, maybe influence on history. …… it’s tough to learn a survey of major religions or compare major relig in a if you limit yourself to one sect of one religion