• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • If I needed to say something in a two item list and wanted to say that the list could work either way, I would say something like,“meat and potatoes or potatoes and meat, either way” so I would be restating the list in the opposite order. But I also use the words vice versa. I just noticed that people say it when they want to sound smart. It’s not like it’s only said in order to sound smart. There are lots of phrases that are short, succinct, and have a very specific situation where they are applicable. These are the phrases that people have a tendency to use to punch up their sentences.

  • Milquetoast, vice versa, vice-sa versa (sic), erudite, illucidate, confusing size for importance (saying big meeting instead of important meeting), commensurate, je no se qua, anything in Latin, anything in another language, latent space, probability space. We use lots of techniques to try to punch-up our perceived intelligence, neurotypical people do it sometimes because they have a tendancy to associate station in a hierarchy with “good traits” like intelligence and use these smart sounding words to try to project authority… ? Maybe? Sometimes I use smart sounding words to talk over/around people when I don’t want to engage them for whatever reason. People after weird. I think it’s easy to see when people are dumber than you, and much harder to see when people are smarter that you; especially the degree to which (to which, being another smart sounding word particle. Particle when used to ike this, another smartness showing phrase.) they are smarter than you. My rule of thumb is that if someone’s dumb, that’s easy for you to tell, but if you can’t tell that they are blatantly dumb, they are likely to be at least close to you in intelligence. If they seem smart, they are likely smarter than your best case scenario guess (they are likely smarter than you think). Everything goes out the window when you start talking about people who learned English as not their first language. Also acronyms.

  • I think it would be a few months of Mortal Kombat on the off-roads to interstates and at all kinds of junctions as the assholes on the road fight each other to the death. After these guys (it’s always dudes) get out of the way, there will be a long period where statisticians say loudly over and over again that getting a licence before the age of 26 is the most dangerous thing a young man can do. They will run campaigns about it, with Republicans somehow convincing people that the safer thing to do would be to get the 16 year old boys in the country driving as quickly as possible. The higher up Republicans will be saying that the men who are getting into Mortal Kombat are the better drivers and that the ones that die are worse at driving and manning, so the roads are safer as a result of the Road Kombat Accord (RCA), especially for men, even more so for young men. The lower down Republicans will act like the RCA is a great honor to get to fight in and that Road Kombat is how our ancestors have done it for generations. Liberals will be sweating and wringing their hands while weakly citing the statisticians. The Republicans will Uno reverse this line of thinking into a no-brain slogan by the name of, “trust 'Ole Statty” so that liberals are afraid to tell people to look into the statistics for fear of getting told that they are in the pocket of 'Ole Statty. Republicans will tell liberals that they are in love with, “'Ole Holes”, glory holes that Ole Statty is said to frequent. Liberals will then get confused at this bizarre line of attack on their heterosexuality even though they don’t believe that homosexuality is negative or deviant and so all efforts to reverse the RCA will end. Most men would just sigh and not get their driving licenses until they turn 23, with the daring ones only waiting until 20. This would settle into a constant, relatively few, Road Kombats in the end; just a constant statistic of young white trash + minorites getting killed along with a bunch of 20-something’s. Most people end up assuming that the deaths were unavoidable and that there is no way to stop them. People state the stats as if they are the natural order. When people point out that the all-cause road deaths are lower in countries without Road Kombat, they will be treated as unpatriotic and ignored, becoming crackpots in the eyes of the many.

  • Well let me tell you, the market is already taking care of this need. There is a long established tradition in the US military of partners for our servicepeople being stay at home people. I have witnessed people get divorced from one enlisted person and marry another within a short time span. I’m not assigning moral value to this set of actions, but I think the gf from the state meme kind of already exists, but it’s implicit. Making that some form of guarantee would be pretty heinous in my opinion because it would be likely to break the assortative mating that we humans are so fond of (we sort into mating categories for absolutely good reason). The power to date/mate outside of your league is typically reserved for higher-ups in power hierarchies. The tantalizing promise that the underlings in these hierarchies can get that power is one of the main lures ised to get people to support fascism. I think the logic goes: If the boss has all the power in the world and needs me, the common goon, to secure that power, then the boss is likely to toss a few crumbs of power to me. I might be able to date outside of my league, one or two rungs. I can stand the boss breaking the natural order because I’m assuming that I will get to one day be the boss or I will be rewarded by the boss with some power. I went to Dubai and visited the big water park there. The population there is heavily stratified. The couple makeup was almost exclusively what I would describe as fat guys with supermodel wives. It breaks the assortative mating that makes up the natural order. I would suggest to anyone thinking that state-sponsored-girlfriends shoulds like a good idea ask if you yourself would like to date under your league without corersion. If not, then any dating arrangement other than the normal one is immoral. And now for some unsolicited some dating advice: the best way to date out of your league is to move up out of your league by cultivating yourself.

  • Barzaria@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoCasual Conversation @lemm.eeFuck Landscapers
    2 months ago

    I have an allegorical story that might help you, friend. The moral of this story is that anger at others poisons the self. Really keep in mind that the physical discomfort is a sensation, pain is a sensation, and that anger is an emotion. The story: let’s say we are in class and the person in front of us is doing that thing where they shake their leg up and down and they have some keys in their pocket. The keys are making a jingle sound and the person doesn’t seem to realize that the noise is annoying to us. We have some options in this situation. As part of the story, let’s say that we are a powerful magician. We are a magician that can do anything, without anyone knowing, and no one could prove it. If we wanted to, no one would even remember it. Now we really have some options. The question I pose is: if you could do anything in this situation, what should you do? There are infinite answers, of course, but for the purposes of the story I will try to do the least evil thing possible. What is the most evil thing? For comparison purposes, it might be removing the guy’s genes from reality after several eons of torture. Now, given infinite power as a magician, this would be feasible. I mention the evil choice because, of course, we will be choosing the most good choice. What might this choice look like? Something that doesn’t violate the guy would be the better choice. We could let the guy read our mind, seeing just how annoying the jingle keys are to us. This would change his mind. We might give the guy an upgraded car with a biometric door and remove the keys. The list goes on until we don’t violate the guy and change itself to not be annoyed at the jingle keys. The people you payed to come do your lawn started early to escape the august heat? That might be insensitive of them, but really, anger is a choice friend. Good and safe travels.

  • Barzaria@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhat is the Orb?
    2 months ago

    I am curious about this. Would you please discuss it further? I like the idea of mental models that can be used in useful ways, or programmed in some way. The method of loci comes to mind. I have a mental representation of a semi permeable membrane that helps me intuit about which way osmotic pressure will push fluid in a given system. Some other useful mental models: SCP cognitohazard (to think of/perceive a cognitohazard is hazardous), mental models of triangles are useful for estimating load angles when rigging heavy machinery, tenth thicknesses are a useful model to determine how much radiation shielding is needed for a given radioactive source of x rem strength. Mental models can be very powerful tools, and the best part is that they have a very low cost of replication, being information. They exhibit the property of medium independence, being able to be replicated as a series of interactions that serve as the holding media of the information. Your brain holding the mental model of the item is an example. I have mostly pondered the mental models relating to straight lines and closed regular geometric forms. Help me ponder the orb.

  • What I do is sort the directories and files by size and go largest to smallest. Based on the likely distribution of files sizes, 20% of your files and/or directories will account for 80% of the hard drive space. I usually then choose candidates for deletion and evaluate them, deleting them on the spot or skipping them for this time. I do this until I get the space reduction I want or until I’m sure that I want to keep what is in the largest 20%. After I reach one of the two states: top 20% of files/directories are keepers or I deleted down X GB. This method can be done with any sorting method. For example, by play count or by date added, old to new. Keep going until the top 20% are keepers. The same distribution is likely to apply across all vertical data labels so the filter is generically usable in lots of situations. For example, 20% of car drivers likely get 80% of speeding tickets. We could reduce speeding by 80% by speed limiting these drivers’ cars or by revoking their drivers licenses. Another example is memory hogs in a computer system. The top 20% of memory hogging programs likely account for 80% of used memory in a system. This distribution is called the Pareto principle. The principle is an example of a power law.