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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Chefdano3@lemm.eetoNew Communities@lemmy.worldLet's Argue!
    1 month ago
    1. Unseasoned meat can be delicious, the meat just has to be very good quality.

    2. More importantly, I don’t mean seasonings. Yes absolutely salt and season your meals, but even salted and otherwise seasoned potatoes are still pretty dang bland. In order for potatoes to be good, you need to add gravy, or cheese, or bacon or a whole other variety of things and combos of other food to make potatoes tasty. I won’t say that a loaded up baked or mashed potatoes with all the bits isn’t good, because it is. It’s just that potatoes themselves are overrated.

    You can take any meat, steak, chicken, pork, whatever, season with salt and pepper, and it’s good. They each have their own distinct flavor. You can lightly salt and oil a good handful of different vegetables and they’re good on their own. Hell even plain ass white rice with salt, pepper, and butter is pretty good. Do the same with potatoes, still bland, meh at best.

  • Chefdano3@lemm.eetoNew Communities@lemmy.worldLet's Argue!
    1 month ago

    I really don’t think mashed potatoes are that good. I argue that any good meal needs to stand on its own, and any food that requires extra sauce, or other additives to make it good are not good enough for a meal.

    Id even argue they are not even that good as a side dish, as combine with other food, the best they do is taste like the juice of meat, but more commonly they only add more blandness to whatever your eating, making it less than if eating without mashed potatoes.

  • I haven’t played X4, but I’ve played a lot of elite dangerous, and some of the problems you describe happened to me in ED as well. And like X4, ED did not explain it at all. I had to learn it from watching videos about the game, and other discussions in other forums. So maybe there are similarities in what I experienced

    The speed limiting was due to being within close proximity to planets and stars who’s gravitational field prevents you from accelleratin quickly. If you are in open space, you accelerate very quickly, and can go faster than if you are close to something large. So maybe it has something to do with where you are.

    I’ve had boost disabled randomly for me and I didn’t know why, but eventually I learned it was because I had been deploying my cargo scoop by accident and not realizing it before I got blown up. Maybe there is a ship module or function you are accidentally toggling that disables it?

    That’s an annoying aspect of these space sim games, but one I’ve come to appreciate as learning the complex intricacies of flying a spaceship feels rewarding in its own right. Like being able to describe what every little button and switch does in an airplane, or a recoding stuido’s sound board. It makes you feel like you’re really mastering a skill, instead of just playing a game.

  • Chefdano3@lemm.eetoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.world[deleted]
    5 months ago

    Ask him if he would like to take a trip to Ireland to celebrate his graduation. I’m sure he won’t be starting work immediately, but if he already has a job it’s an easy excuse for at least a 2 week vacation. You could offer to show him around where you live and all the cool spots. Introduce him to your friends and do some of the things you all usually do for fun. Then you can take a trip to the touristy spots, which is conveniently a great excuse to get a room for night in the city, ya know, to make sure you have enough time to see everything and not worry about the travel time and such. Then for the end of the trip, just spend the time relaxing, and hanging out together. Give yourselves the time to get comfortable doing the day to day routine, give him a chance to experience what regular life in Ireland might be if he were to stay a bit longer.

  • I think it’s just human nature to get enjoyment at making other people upset. It comes from a lack of empathy, understanding, and perspective.

    When I was young, my cousin and I would hop into randomly chosen public chatrooms on MSN, or Yahoo, and just start typing stupid messages. We’d spam the chat with constans messages of “booger” or “poopy fart” and watch people get annoyed with us. Sometimes we’d pick a random message from someone and call them out telling them “hey {username}, shut up stupid.” The whole chatroom would get mad and tell us to leave, or to stop, and that made us keep doing it more. For a good half hour to 45 min, the entire chatroom was having a bad time except us, who were laughing out heads off at how mad they got and how compeley powerless they were to stop us.

    We were also 10.

    We haven’t experienced how annoying and frustrating that actually is. We didn’t understand or even care just how disruptive we were being, nor did we care about our contribution to making the space a bad space to be in. We, as children, didn’t have the empathy, compassion, or perspective of experience to care about that, and were just reveling in the attention and the power to force a group of strangers to focus on us and not what they originally wanted to.

    Some people eventually develop empathy, self awareness, gain perspective on the world, or otherwise come to understand how immature these acts areof getting joy at being annoying, and stop. Other people don’t. The internet is home to people in all different stages of their life’s journey, and a lot of them haven’t reached that point yet.

    Some troll because they’re immature. Some do it because they actively dislike a community and pettily get joy at annoying them. Some people just like the attention. People are complicated and weird, and often hard to understand. There is just one thing that will always be true:

    As long as people exists, so too will trolls.

  • I mean, it’s true they have a lot of games that use predatory systems designed to trick you into spending more money than you need to. As well as games that are designed purely on capitalizing on base feeling of satisfaction of big number go up. But I feel like this is akin to suing casinos for their games having odds in their favor.

    How much of it is on the company, and how much on the player? Like where is the line? If a game is designed to be solely addictive with no other value or purpose, probably should not be acceptable, but how do you make that determination as a games value is different for every individual.

    Almost impossible to make a blanket judgement on this, and any legal precedent set by this lawsuit will be troublesome no matter which outcome.