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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2024


  • The closest thing an anarchist would ever advocate for in regards to an internal peacekeeping force would be some sort of community defense to defend against violent threats to community. But there would be ways to prevent it from becoming centralized and abusive. One way is by training everyone in the community in community defense and rotating the role. Their are other ways as well. But besides the point

  • The Aeldar (along with the predecessor to the orks, the krorks) were created by the Old Ones to fight the necrontyr/necrons and the C’tan during the War in Heaven.

    Also whether or not characters or legions deviate from the Imperium’s ideology is unimportant as they are still supporters of a theocratic, xenophobic, authoritarian, ultra-militaristic, and ultimately fascist regime. This sort of argument that the Space Marines and such aren’t fascists because they split away from the broader Imperium ideology is like when Nazis try to argue that the Wehrmacht were made up of average soldiers so not all of them were Nazis. Its irrelevant, they are still fighting to support a fascist regime which makes them a fascist. The only times Space Marines have ever actually split enough from the imperium to reliquish their loyalty to it is when they end up swapping to Chaos (which is just as bad, if not worse). My favorite faction, the Red Corsairs, being a perfect example of this.

    Also the Orks are a charicature and parody of british hooligan culture.

  • I hate that nazis have adopted the DKoK. I love them because I really like the french inspired aspect of the design (like the trench coat) and I really love gasmasks. I got into 40k because of them and started an imperial guard army. But the amount of chuds that play them and the broader imperium grossed me out. Now I play chaos space marines (Red Corsairs (cause pirates) and Thousand Sons (cause I like magic and the drama)) and am gonna convert my imperial guard into chaos guard.