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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • There is some things I would have liked to keep up on, but Lemmy has a lot of the stuff I am interested in, and Discord covers some other bits. I use social media less which is good. I am more productive and sleep quicker.

    The FOMO is the brain craving dopamine. The solution is getting used to less, not chasing more.

    Make the internet work for you, not the internet working you.

  • So bombing the shit out of the place is ok? Deaths are ok?

    These people are in a pressure cooker, so increase the pressure, push them south and bomb the evac routes, don’t let fuel into hospitals or enough food in to Gaza.

    Hamas are assholes, but when you start to justify civilian deaths, you’re no longer the good guy, yourself. They killed x, so we kill y.

    This is looking increasingly like an annexation (especially of the north). Hamas aren’t in the West Bank, it’s run by Fatah, but Israel still rules it with an iron fist and keeps popping up more settlements. Moral actions under international law isn’t something that concerns them.

  • Former Palastinian leader, Yassar Arafat who was awarded a nobel peace prize died in 2004 confined to his compound by the IDF. Swiss investigators suggested polonium poisoning, French and Russian investigators didn’t really make a conclusion, but couldn’t really confirm or deny it.

    A Hamas founder was killed in 2004:

    “Yassin, a quadriplegic who was nearly blind, had been reliant on a wheelchair due to a sporting accident at the age of 12.[8] In 2004, he was killed when an Israeli helicopter gunship fired a missile at him as he was being wheeled from Fajr prayer in Gaza City.[9] The attack, which also killed both of his bodyguards and nine bystanders, was internationally condemned.”


    Yassin on several occasions proposed long-term ceasefire agreements, or truces, so called Hudnas, in exchange for Israeli concessions. All such offers were rejected by Israel. Following his release from Israeli prison in 1997, he proposed a ten-year truce in exchange for total Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza and a stop to Israeli attacks on civilians. In 1999, in an interview with an Egyptian newspaper, he again offered a truce: We have to be realistic. We are talking about a homeland that was stolen a long time ago in 1948 and again in 1967. My generation today is telling the Israelis, ‘Let’s solve this problem now, on the basis of the 1967 borders. Let’s end this conflict by declaring a temporary ceasefire. Let’s leave the bigger issue for future generations to decide.’ The Palestinians will decide in the future about the nature of relations with Israel, but it must be a democratic decision. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahmed_Yassin#Views_on_the_peace_process

    Considering he was returning from mosque, and was executed, to international condemnation, it’s clear to see that he was replaced with much worse. Three of Hamas leadership have lost family also (wife/2 children, brother, eldest son).


    In 2006, Hamas won a majority for the first time and took control of the Gaza strip and booted Fatah out.

    From heading hopefully towards peace, to a divided Palestine with an increasingly hostile Hamas in the space of 2 years with the IDF possibly playing a significant part in that, it is hard to say that Israel aren’t more than a little responsible for radicalising Hamas further/agitating them. They also hold an awful lot of territory in the West Bank (which Hamas do not control).

    It does not seem Israel want peace at all. I cannot imagine they are this incompetent. Not that I’m defending Hamas, they’re absolute assholes. Though. killing 7000 people including 40% children, it is the population of Gaza who are suffering. It is certainly going to help Hamas recruit with so many people losing parents, siblings and relatives. We head away from peace with every single day and it’s so painful to watch this.

  • CrypticCoffee@lemm.eetoPrivacy@lemmy.mlSkiff is improving every day
    8 months ago

    Oh I know. It is your call. I’ve not seen much evidence of tutanova/proton Lemmy adverts. This service is quite new in comparison and there is clearly some astroturfing on lemmy. We don’t know how good or bad they are tbh. The fact they are pushing it rather than relying on word of mouth is a little sketchy.

    Whether it is deleted or not, I’ll at least call out advertising so people are aware rather than being led to believe it is recommended.

  • CrypticCoffee@lemm.eetoPrivacy@lemmy.mlSkiff is improving every day
    8 months ago

    We don’t know what it is, but there is history on Lemmy of them listing out every feature, asking I’d anyone used it as they didn’t. Why woupd anyone do that? More blatant in the past, but worth being on guard against them.

    Plus advertising e2e encrypted emaill which is impossible unless recipient is same service.

  • CrypticCoffee@lemm.eetoNews@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    10 months ago

    Your logic was insane and misplaced. We weren’t talking about descendants. It was a weird logical reach.

    This whole debate is about an 11 year old girl and 2 men that got mauled after she ran past a dog and got attacked. This debate is about safety and whether these dogs should be allowed as pets. You may want to shift the debate and move the goalposts, but no way is it justifiable.

    If the people defending the breed of dogs aren’t going to bother coming up with solutions, their views won’t be taken seriously. A young girl got attacked here. A 10 year old got killed 2 years ago. A middle aged lady a few months ago in the UK. Dog attacks in Britain have quadrupled and this breed of dog is the largest perpetrator. If you are advocating maintaining the status quo, you are advocating for more deaths.

    I agree they should be jailed and dog owners of many breeds should be licensed.

  • CrypticCoffee@lemm.eetoNews@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    10 months ago

    To save dogs, you would advocate killing the children of slaves? The lengths you’ll go…

    I know the debate about nature vs nurture and it’s relevant in some debates. Not this one. People do not have lions and tigers as pets. Some zoo owners probably feel they’re passive with the right ownership. Doesn’t make owning them good and sensible. If people cannot act sensibly (and they won’t), legislation has to kick in.

    It is a viscious cycle, and I dont disagree that owners are part of the problem. Shrugging and going “ah well” doesn’t fix the problem. Doing nothing gives owners almost the legal freedom to use their dogs to kill folk and get away with it.

  • CrypticCoffee@lemm.eetoNews@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    10 months ago

    Claiming ignorance to avoid solving a problem is weak or deceptive.

    These dogs are bred to be strong. To kill. They don’t belong in homes and society near children. They should never have been bred in the first place nor imported, but that happened, so gotta deal with it.

    People buy these dogs to be intimidating. Compensating for something, I expect. If people are licensed and can prove training, fine, keep them, but if they have already been raised bad, it’s probably too late and too risky. A school girls runs past, and bam, disfigured.