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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 18th, 2023

  • what if you’re moving the goal post because you can’t admit that you realise I’m right?

    Lol go back and read my first post and then tell me how I’m moving the goal posts. Don’t worry, at this point, I don’t actually expect you to.

    Try to not just assume things about people’s subconscious

    It was hardly an assumption. It’s pretty typical behavior for people to not want to admit they are wrong. And you’re kind of proving I hit the nail on the head by completely abandoning actually defending your position and throwing out the equivalent of “I know you are but what am I?”

  • relying on the media going for the shock factor

    Yeah, the shock factor of targeting the painting which is why a headline that says they threw soup at the painting is not click bait. It’s literally exactly what they explicitly and intentionally did. You recognize that, so why argue the opposite?

    Yet the law

    I said nothing about the law. We are talking about a headline. I absolutely agree that, because they knew they wouldn’t destroy the piece so there was no real intent to destroy it, jail time makes no sense.

    Way to miss the point and insult me and my reasoning in the process.

    If anyone missed the point, it’s you. If you are arguing that they intentionally argued targeted the painting for shock value, but at the same time it’s misleading the say that they threw soup at the painting, then that requires abandoning logic. This is not an attack on you, but an attack on the argument.

  • No. But I don’t believe this is even remotely an accurate analogy.

    Let me try this way. If it’s no different than throwing soup against a plastic sheet…why didn’t they just hang up a plastic sheet in their home and do it there?

    The whole point of this act was to target a famous painting to draw attention. They even say this was their intent.

    You literally have to ignore what they said, abandon all reason, and undermine their goal in the process to hold the position that the more accurate description is to say they were just throwing soup at a sheet of plastic.

  • I live in a small suburb right outside of a major us city.

    To the nearest convenience store: .6 km To the nearest chain supermarket: .9 km To the bus stop: .3km To the nearest park: 1.0km To the nearest big supermarket: .9km To the nearest library: 1.2km To the nearest train station: .6km Straight-line distance to big Ben: 5708 km

    You certainly got me on big Ben distance.

    But this is why the question is kind of silly. America is a huge, diverse place. When I lived in NYC, I was probably closer to everything than you. Where I grew up in an almost rural area, the closest thing was over 5km away. And this isn’t even all that bad because I had a friend who grew up in an unincorporated area where she had to drive 30min just to get her mail.

  • The only issue that really matters to me is climate change. Or maybe plastic.

    But this is the same as the picture of the statue of liberty that is used to “debunk” sea level rise by showing the level at the same height, despite being taken 100 years apart. Were they taken at the same tide? Same time of year? Is there any other factor at play here?

    This is a “shoe is on the other foot” moment, and we should be as skeptical of that which supports our beliefs as we are of that which contradicts it. Maybe especially so because confirmation bias is a hell of a drug.