Orientation: Aromantic Asexual (AroAce)

Identity + Gender Modality: Agender + Isogender (Please note I don’t identify as cis or Trans)

Pronouns: Use any, Idc, *mostly doesn’t really matter to me (just not it/its).

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • Not really a man (Agender and Intersex) but I am Male so I feel like I can answer this one.

    I have a developmental condition which affects my body’s ability to produce androgens so for me I wouldn’t be much different aside from genitals since I never finished puberty and likely wouldn’t have then either.

    Not as big of a setback or difference than it would be for someone else but not being able to pee while standing would be a very big negative for me and I’m not really sure what I would do about that (probably get a Phalloplasty so I can pee properly again).

  • I think you’re either overselling their defensive capabilities (like mods there do) or the solutions you used are just leaky and awful. I’ve found Tor to work very well, less complicated than the solutions you presented since it’s basically an all in one. I had an account on there for almost a year only through Tor so it works well, but I lost the password and since I used a throwaway email account is gone for good, but still not shadowbanned.

    I have 4 other accounts (I’m not going to say which ones they are, makes the job of admins harder) still been going for over two months.

  • Before anyone tries to argue that they can’t be a bigot because they’re NonBinary, just keep in mind that transmedicalists are openly and directly transphobic despite being transgender themselves. Just because this person is NonBinary that doesn’t make them not a hate-filled bigot, they still indeed are one, and in a way it’s actually worse because they’ll just say people are being transphobic or enbyphobic towards them when people try to call them out, which ends up being harmful because they’re calling things that aren’t transphobic transphobic. That reflects negatively on trans people and takes away from the ability to call out actual transphobia.

  • OP it’s not difficult at all, you’re just doing it wrong. Keep the fingerprint blocking browser but put it on a proxy or VPN network to remove IP address associations, or to just use Tor.

    Tor is simpler and has redundancies and features that make tracking incredibly difficult, not impossible (don’t use it to commit crimes) but essentially impossible for someone like Reddit. Funnily enough they actually indirectly endorse this since they actually have their own onion site, which is hilarious but also convenient.

    As for why they do it that way, I’m not really sure. The idea of “ban evasion” policies seems pretty laughable in my opinion more like they’re asking nicely not to do it. It’s even more laughable since they handed the bypass tools to us on a silver platter by allowing us to access Reddit without even touching an exit node via their onion site. It’s really strange of them.

  • For the love of god use Tor with tails, or at least just Tor on its own. Even that’s probably overkill, but with telemetry monsters like Reddit it doesn’t hurt to go above and beyond.

    Generally the tracking Reddit does is this:

    • Cookies

    • Cross site tracking (just like Facebook does)

    • Canvas Data and User agent (including browser window size)

    • IP address (generally the last thing they target to prevent cross-bans on public WiFi and universities)

    Replacing a laptop isn’t necessary to get around it, this is a lie spread by moderators (and also admins in some cases) trying to mystify the ban evasion detection system in an effort to curb ban evasion. Using a private browser that limits information is usually sufficient, using Tor is very effective, and using Tor with tails is insanely effective if maybe a tiny bit overkill.