• 23 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 25th, 2023

  • Maybe, but you are missing a point too. Even if it was a mistake to create Israel in hindsight (the world was very different just after 1945), the fact is that there are millions of people who live there, call the place home and will do anything to keep what they have.

    Good luck “making them disappear” by basing all your reasoning on dismissing them as zionists and a settler state who cannot possibly feel like they truly belong there.

    The best you can get is a palestinian state and expulsion of settlers from the West Bank, but for that you need assurances that Iran or anyone else won’t be placing missiles 20km away from any major Israeli city, which anyone who thinks like you will never be able to guarantee, because of what you believe.

    Now compare that to russia, largest country on Earth, with infinite resources, enough nukes to destroy every major capital, huge strategic depth (less than the US, more than most countries) acting like they are the victim against a country that committed the crime of not submitting to their influence and then annexing 5 Israels’ worth of their land.

  • If Ukraine had done to russia half of what hamas and hezbollah have done to Israel, nobody would be rushing to Ukraine’s defense, like nobody rushed to Iraq’s defense.

    Human rights can at most make you neutral about Israel vs its opponents, because none of Israel’s opponents give a crap about human rights either. Not the case with Ukraine, they at most match russian escalation.

    Israel, despite being captured by fucking brutal idiots right now (whereas before Oct7, bibi was eventually going to jail, gee thanks hamas), has always faced some existential threat of some kind, whereas russia never faced any realistic threat from anyone and still brag about their willingness to break all rules for “russian greatness”.

  • Here’s one reason for you to digest: hamas refuses to recognize Israel as a country and would rather Israel be totally destroyed than recognize it in some way to have peace.

    You can’t say Ukraine refuses to recognize russia as a country and it is a fact that Ukraine would stop fighting the moment all russians fuck off back to russia. Can you say hamas will stop fighting even if Israel finallt took its grubby hands off the West Bank and Gaza? hah, no.

    There is also the other reason that russia is doing both the brutality of Israel and the unrestrained suicidal fanaticism of hamas on Ukraine. You can bothsides Israel-hamas to some extent, not Ukraine.

  • Web 4.0: I can actually safely tip every dude who made a useful video/website 0.01 cents and neither side will have to pay any extra fees so it is actually worth to tip, it will just be p2p money using the processing power of the sender and the receiver without buttcoin vultures trying to fuck with it. That was what web 3.0 was supposed to have been 13 years ago, but between the technical limitations and those web3 shitasses’ greed, we’re left almost where we started…

  • The rest of my comment addresses that. The “good king” father figure does a lot of heavy lifting for autocracy in people’s subconscious (even Plato’s haha), but it is inevitable for a “benevolent monarch” with the mandate to “fix everything” to turn sour and abuse power, the variance of one single individual’s performance and world iew is too high. Aristotle writes about some of this too.

  • Sure, a good autocracy will always be more effective and fairer than a good democracy. The greek already knew that.

    They also knew that a bad autocracy will always be worse than a bad democracy.

    And you have no idea what you will get with an autocrat, they change over time, they make new enemies out of you, what is good for some is bad for others…

    So democracy is not just about giving people what they want or representing their views, it is about damage limitation between all the established “mafias” vying for power and a ruleset for peaceful evolution.

    To make it worse, some modern societies hide de facto autocracy or oligarchy under democracy, which may sour you towards democracy.