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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 21st, 2024


  • Russia has a lot of people, Ukrain is getting drained, there is no denying that. Sure Russia has made errors, so has Ukraine. Who can afford errors and deaths more? The larger military force. Vietnam showed outwardly a different story. But they also had other advantages Ukraine does not. And not to forget, Ukraine has been and remains a deeply corruption and morally depraved relative of Russia. Run by criminals and human traffickers. In the years prior to the invasion, they were fighting pretty dirty too, shooting down Airlines then denying it. Their fighting corps being seasoned with NeoNazis, being pretty disgusting to certain groups living in Ukraine etc. But of course nobody wants to remember anything prior to the invasion. And no, this isn’t pro Russian, just more realistic.

  • It is exactly the fact people can’t understand it that it’s wrong. If you can’t understand something, at the very least it leads to people using it in a way that is wrong if not immediately then in the bigger picture. A mother cannot be a father, and a father cannot be a mother. Reality doesn’t work like that. What will that do to the child’s sense of truth. People certainly don’t want others to make them accept a mental delusion as normal. It isn’t. There is no hate involved, it’s simply reality. To say that violence is inevitable is just another way of attempting to force one’s mental issues upon others. To justify it. This will all be seen as some weird phase in humanity’s decline.

  • The really funny thing about this article and about the comments is that some asshole wrote “sends MAGA into meltdown” trying to equate just a few people’s opinion as that of an entire “movement’s” (if you could even call it a movement, I think the term MAGA shouldn’t even refer to any group of people - it’s simply an expression that people can have without referring to anything else at all. But whatever) opinion. That not just wrong, it’s incredibly lazy opinion writing under the guise of journalism. To read that and not just ignore it does not applaude one’s judgement when it comes to information that needs to be shared. This is made worse by taking it seriously and then reflecting its lazy judgement towards a large portion of the population and further claiming that they are racists. Believing in a false claim of a meltdown, then arguing its validity AND throwing in racism is so absurd in its duplicity, that’s it comes across like a claim that a 6th grader might make. And that is a serious take. Anyone with any reasonable adult intelligence should be able to critically judge what is written as news these days, but that, unfortunately does not seem to be the case.