• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Except… it looks like people did start posting. So the users were crowded out by bots before and they’re posting now. That just shows that Reddit isn’t dead, but it does have too many bots.

    I mean, I’m sure many people here wish there was more non-bot content. It’s annoying to see something on Reddit and come back here and see the same thing.

  • When you close a business on paper you don’t suddenly lose access to services in the name of that business.

    Yes you do. Your bank account is in the old business’s name, and any lines of credit you have will be in that business’s name as well. Doing anything for a new business is harder than for an established one. Once you explain “oh yeah I did own that one, I just changed the name for tax purposes” you sound like a scammer.

    Banks and suppliers (good ones) are not going to waste their time figuring out your scheme. They will just drop you.

  • JFK is not considered one of the best. He didn’t even have a full term, so there’s no way to know. People liked him because he was young and handsome and died that way.

    He started the Vietnam War. His only real test was the Cuban Missile Crisis. He did adopt Keynesianism economic policies (over more classical policies) and proposed the bill that became the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Those are all important, but he honestly wasn’t in office long enough to do much.

    And besides, like you said he was 43, not 35. AOC would not be able to do anything because she doesn’t have the relationships yet. Good presidents don’t come from the House of Representatives. They come from the Senate (JFK, Obama), Governors (FDR), or Vice Presidents (Harris).

  • No? San Francisco has had electric busses for decades. They go up and down hills all the time. Their only problem is they have no batteries, so once they are disconnected they stop. It happens every day.

    I think something combination of a small battery and a direct connection will work great. The battery only needs to work for an hour and the bus will be able to get around just fine.

  • Plus, as soon as the cars can drive themselves people will stop needing Uber in many cases.

    No parking? Just tell your car to go park on a street 10 blocks away.

    Drunk? Car drives itself while you sleep.

    Going to the airport? Car drops you off and returns home. Car also picks you up when you are back.

    This is combined with the fact that people will do more disgusting things in an Uber without the driver there. If you have ever driven for Uber, you know that 10% of people are trying to eat or drink in the car. They are going to spill and it’s going to end up like the back of a bus.