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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年8月2日


  • So some neckbeard republicans are going to come out and say “She should have just complied”, but honestly what is the absolute worst scinerio if she WAS shop-lifting? In what world is it not a better option to just get her FUCKING CAR’S license-plate number, track her to her house, then arrest her there when she’s clearly cornered? Or just boot her car when it’s found again and force her to come to you to get it off?

    Because now you’ve killed a woman and her unborn baby over some God damn groceries.

  • I don’t think they’re actually beginning to care about other people’s opinions and beliefs, I think, I PRAY, they’ve begun to realize that campaigning on the idea you’re going to spend millions of taxpayer dollars on enforcing their beliefs isn’t what you pay taxes for.

    I beg of them to realize exactly how much these republican bastards waste their OWN money on useless crap instead of the schools, infestructure, and societal improvements they’re meant to be spent on.