The worst kind of an Internet-herpaderp. Internet-urpo pahimmasta päästä.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • Got roped back into Warframe after few years of away time. Got to say, occasionally doing few missions and knocking a story mission is pretty awesome. Initially had some issues with solo-required Railjank mission (big space ship piloting), but then my clan mates tipped me of a crew I can hire. Who would have thought a big ship needs a crew? :P

    Other than that, also got dragged into Fallout 76. Only played it for ~3ish hours and, tbh it isn’t as bad as I’ve been led to believe. But it’s also not that great. The pacing feels odd, but could be just because of the tutorials I’m still in. Audiotapes drag on and on and on, the player encampment (and “mmo aspects” in general) feel VERY tacked on. Coop gameplay feels cool, but ofc. my friend finds all the cool loot and looks like a SWAT team member, whereas I’m dressed in the most basic leather scraps.

    Also I’ve been chipping away in some idle games, Unnamed Space Idle, mainly. Nothing really remarkable happening there, but number go big big.

    EDIT: oh yea, fallout 4 patch should drop tomorrow? Yea got to get back on that too. Moddable FO4 experience sounds better than 76. Just… hope the mod authors are still at it.

  • yep, I’m aware. I just haven’t observed* any compilation stutters - so in that sense I’d rather keep it off and save the few minutes (give or take) on launch

    *Now, I’m sure the stutters are there and/or the games I’ve recently played on linux haven’t been susceptible to them, but the tradeoff is worth it for me either way.

  • well, I do have this one game I’ve tried to play, Enshrouded, it does do the shader compilation on it’s own, in-game. The compiled shaders seem to persist between launches, reboots, etc, but not driver/game updates. So it stands to reason they are cached somewhere. As for where, not a clue.

    And since if it’s the game doing the compilation, I would assume non-steam games can do it too. Why wouldn’t they?

    But, ultimately, I don’t know - just saying these are my observations and assumptions based on those. :P

  • Overall I’m still getting used to the Steam “processing vulkan shaders” pretty much every time a game updates, but it’s worth it for the extra performance.

    That can be turned off, though. Haven’t noticed much of a difference after doing so (though, I am a filthy nvidia-user). Also saving quite a bit of disk space while too.

  • Got to play it with someone for a bit, they seemed to know where all the neat things were (iirc, the murals, scarf lengthening thingies, etc). But due to the inability to communicate more than just “dings” I couldn’t convey that I needed a quick toilet break. They were gone after I came back, which was a bit sad but I probably wouldn’t have stayed waiting either, tbh.

    It was quite okay, I recall playing it through twice, but the second round didn’t really offer much in terms of “value” over the first. Cool visuals and concept, though.

    Other somewhat similar vibing games which I somewhat relate to Journey:

    • Sable - Somewhat similar character designs, quite a bit more scifi and some dialogue. Pretty cool 3d platformer puzzle.
    • Proteus - walking-sim, graphics are those “if atari 2600 could do 3d”. Kinda cool experience, but also kinda one-and-done.