• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Most closely matches the behavior of actual SNES consoles.

    This requires very careful emulation of the timings of the various buses and co-processors, as well as on-cart chips which may or may not be present. For instance, a Speedy Gonzales game has a button in the final stage which crashes almost every emulator because enters an infinite loop reading from an open bus and waiting for the value to attain a specific pattern. However reading from an open bus is generally specified to be the last value loaded into the bus, which in this case is the load instruction itself, $18. So the value is read to be $1818 by most emulators, which doesn’t match the pattern expected.

    However, this is only if you’re emulating with instruction level accuracy. It is possible for the value of the bus to change in between the instruction being loaded and the value of the bus being loaded due to an HDMA load being triggered, but this requires a cycle accurate emulator.

  • GT4 is better than GT3 imo, but if you have to spend money on it, it might not be worth.

    I’m mostly into RPGs, and it doesn’t seem like you are from this list. If you are, then FF10 and 12 are available. So are KH1 and 2, and also Wild Arms 3, Personas 3 and 4, Disgaea, Shadow Hearts, Okage, Okami, Star Ocean, Dragon Quest, Devil May Cry, God of War, and so on.

    Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2 are silly and fun side scrolling beat 'em ups. Tony Hawk needs no introduction. Silent Hill 2 and 3 if you’re into horror. Resident Evil 4 if you’re into action horror.

    Shadow of the Colossus is great if you’re into a quiet, contemplative adventure game.

  • I’m not going to weigh in on the specifics of Flatpak vs AppImage, because I don’t know enough about the particulars.

    However, I think the “user choice” argument is often deployed in situations where it probably shouldn’t be.

    For instance, in this case, it’s not the user’s choice at all, but a developer’s choice, as a normal user would not be packaging their own software. They would be merely downloading one of a number of options of precompiled packages. And this is the thrust of the argument. If we take the GitHub rant at face value, some developers seem to be distributing software using AppImage, to the exclusion of other options. And then listing ways in which this is problematic.

    I, for one, would be rather annoyed if my only option were either AppImage or Flatpak, as I typically prefer use software packaged for my package manager. That is user choice, give me the option to package it myself; hopefully it’s already been done for me.

    There are some good things to be said about trust and verification, and I’m generally receptive to those arguments way more than “user choice.”

  • Because the nix package manager places all system packages under /nix/store/uniquehash-packagename-version/

    Where the unique hash is obtained via a Merkel tree of all the inputs. So in particular, binaries and libraries exist underneath those directories, not in the places you would expect from FHS.

    In order to make the system actually work, environment variables are set up and executables are patched to refer to specific paths within the Nix Store.