I stopped caring what other people think. Especially when they can’t say why they’re mad
I stopped caring what other people think. Especially when they can’t say why they’re mad
I wondered if comments you post are, according to AI they’re actually copyright protected. But it’s funny that no one read the TOS and basically give copywrite of comments to meta and Reddit (maybe) so legally the comments can be scraped without the authors consent. So there’s plenty of legally and pretty much (technically)ethical sources content for LLMs, if you’re okay with capitalism and corporations.
I look at AI as a tool, the rich definitely look at as a tool too, so I’m not going to shy away from it. I found a way to use AI to discriminate if a post is about live stream or not and use that to boost the post on mastodon. And I built half a dozen scripts with perplexity and chat gpt, one of witch is a government watchdog to see if there’s any ethical or legal violations https://github.com/solidheron/AI-Watchdog-city-council
I’m not advocate that you should be pro or anti AI, but if you’re anti AI then you should be doing anti AI measures
I thought about using legalese or old obscure phrases from 100 years ago (maybe even old English) in a reply to a bit and seeing how it responds. General not all language is known to a person but an AI wouldn’t be stumped (maybe). If we found AI they would get better to the point were they’re human like and after that it’s like "oh well we got ai citizens of the Internet ’
Lol you think there’s justice in this world, but im curious to see what happens and to see what I can do. Apparently it might help with with counter AI measures. My intent is to satisfy my curiosity and see what crazy unexpected shit happens
Seems like Lemmy has some basic algorithms but I know one instance will implement algorithms
Yeah you’d be surprised how no ones utilizes that feature or if they do they they don’t announce it
I just disclose it because I don’t want to insult people’s intelligence or gaslight. Plus idk if the mastodon team is attempt to find undisclosed bots
I love the Lemmy shit talk. I’ll save my opinion on the community, but they do need to realize mean comments and down boats aren’t much of a deterrent
Get curious see what happens, explore make notes and improve.
I’d recommend that you make an counter AI mastodon bot, btw I’m more than happy to share my findings
If you make it obvious it’s an AI it will make people more angry. I already know the people that would care about AI bots wouldn’t mute the bot they would go agro. If they questions about it being a bot they would hesitate or even look at convincing people that it’s a bot as effort that would discourage them.
But I will disclose that it is a bot and communities will have to decide how they want to deal deal with it.
Also if you want evidence for my claim. There’s no community that’s out there hunting none disclosed ai bots, they’re made at me for even convincing the idea of an AI bot
It will be fun to find out how to make it blend seamlessly
Lol nice
I want my computer to interact with other people and see if I can make it more human
Neat so if have to figure out a way to keep it coherent
Does Ubuntu dick or something?
I was oddly coming to that conclusion, like it would be a mastodon instance but the json would communicate game States and state transition (like buying an item in game), but you wouldn’t need a mastodon instance for that.
I thought about making a account that is tamagotchi but for a villager. Like you make sure they’re feed and hydrated and they work enough to get supplies they can trade(with other players) for food and water. Something simple so that it’s addicting or hard to code.
Then I think that I should be fediverse project. It would help with engagement, but I can see people making monetized systems and developing gambling pages…
I like the description of 1 fram every 30 minutes. So a play through should take a few decades
as i say peertube is currently a alt to twitch as well as youtube
https://dalek.zone/w/nNS7iudjTtCETZAdXuH89o This is my field test run. Don’t go too far because I’m gonna have to reset it
I meant in the future they’ll implement it. I haven’t found it. Also corporation will enter fediverse they might not explicitly say they’re a corporation