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Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Anecdotally Fifa (EA FC or whatever they’re calling it now) would have to be up there. Hadn’t played it in years but gave it a go last season as it was free on Game Pass.

    They’ve combined the addictiveness of card collecting with loot box mechanics, FOMO and moving the goalposts (pun intended) to get the best players. The gameplay also seemed pretty rigged to prevent grinding rewards out.

    Then when the new game is out, rather than dishing out all the rewards to those still playing it instead becomes infeasible to unlock any more decent players so you’re pretty much stuck with what you have.

    Even if you pay full price for the next game you’ll have to use low stat players as they only seem to start releasing decent ones half way through the season.

  • Whilst it’s true solar is growing, it is not likely to be the silver bullet you make out.

    Another way to look at the source you linked is that despite the ongoing climate catastrophe the US is still planning to add 4% more fossil fuel sources to their grid next year.

    It also leaves out the fact that 84% of the current US power is generated by fossil fuels and that figure is not being reduced.

    The source is also very US-centric. If we take the IEA’s projections, only 25% of the world’s new energy will be from renewable sources in 2024.

    Then there’s the weird choice of counting battery storage as energy generation. At the end of 2022 half of the battery storage was being powered by fossil fuels so should probably be left out of any statistics.

    We need people to understand the true scale of the problem rather than generating more hopium. The energy companies have teams of people for that.

  • Guessing you might have been being rhetorical but I’ll give my take anyway… The stabbings were just the spark that ignighted it all.

    They do not have a common goal but they are united in thinking immigration levels are too high, despite it being a net benefit to the country. From what I’ve seen they generally fall into 3 groups:

    1. EDL/BNP/facists/racists who have been whipping up anti-immigration rhetoric forever. Emboldened by extreme language used by Farage, successive Conservative governments and no doubt rhetoric from the convicted felon across the pond. They blamed the stabbings (and every problem ever) on immigrants despite the fact it was carried out by an autistic kid born in this country.

    2. Brexit/Reform voters who see themselves as “more centrist” because they aren’t as far-right as #1. They blame years of austerity, worstening living conditions and growing class divide on the idea “the country is full”. They thought Brexit was supposed to solve this and are now protesting because it hasn’t. They claim it wasn’t done properly so voted Reform but got a more centrist government instead. They want to make their dissatisfaction heard but as far as I know do not condone the violence. They might now know the stabbings were not linked to migration but the issue has escalated beyond that incident now.

    3. Young people who are generally not very well informed on any of the issues and have been fed misinformation on their various social media channels encouraging them to join the protests. It’s the holidays, they are impressionable and angry. They think they’re part of some revolutionary movement or just drunk and up for some chaos so are out with their mates filming it all in their phones for the views. I imagine as they become more informed they will align with #1 or #2.